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Macey Fitzgerald, MS, RD, & Mary Dickson, RD, LD, School Wellness Consultants Discover Dairy.

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Presentation on theme: "Macey Fitzgerald, MS, RD, & Mary Dickson, RD, LD, School Wellness Consultants Discover Dairy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macey Fitzgerald, MS, RD, & Mary Dickson, RD, LD, School Wellness Consultants Discover Dairy

2 Dairy MAX Science-based Nutrition Information and Research Professional Expertise Assistance and Guidance Industry Relations Health and Wellness Resources Fuel Up to Play 60 – NFL Presence - Role Models Grant opportunities

3 Objectives Participants will learn the essential nutrients that dairy provides within the scope of the USDA MyPlate guidelines. Participants will acquire strategies and resources to continue to enjoy dairy despite lactose intolerance. Participants will learn the role and importance of adequate protein in the diet and how dairy can help them meet their protein needs.

4 Nutrition

5 Why Dairy? 9 Essential Nutrients Complete Protein Taste Satiety

6 Did You Know? 9 Essential Nutrients Flavored milk only accounts for 3% added sugar Chocolate milk is a great rehydration beverage Big nutritional bang for your buck at only 25 cents per 8 oz


8 Choose a Powerhouse #DairyAmazing

9 Daily Sugar Intake 7 #DairyAmazing

10 What about Lactose Intolerance?

11 People who avoid milk and milk products miss many benefits Dairy Intake Bone Health Weight Control Diet Quality Nutrient Intake Reduced Risk Chronic Disease Missing out on Benefits #DairyAmazing

12 LI ≠ Dairy Avoidance #DairyAmazing

13 Lactose Intolerance Sip it: Introduce dairy slowly Try it: Opt for lactose free Stir it: Mix with other foods Slice it: Choose natural cheese Spoon it: Try easy-to-digest yogurt #DairyAmazing


15 Dairy & Protein

16 Dairy & Protein

17 My Morning Protein

18 Poll How many grams of protein do you need at breakfast? a.50 g b.25 g c.8 g

19 Smoothies Easy grab n go item Contributes 2 components: – Fruit (counts as juice when pureed in a beverage) – Yogurt (Meat Alternate) Serve with a whole grain rich grain item – 1 oz packet of WG graham crackers

20 Tips Purchase a high-quality, commercial blender – 30 sec or less to blend Pre-measure ingredients and place in hoppers prior to service. Store in cooler until time for service. Use commodity IQF fruit, no ice needed

21 What District’s Are Saying Premium item- costs a little more than a normal group A, but: – Increases participation AND – Counts as 2 components out of the 3 needed Trendy: McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants now serve fruit and yogurt smoothies so the kids are getting what they want An additional ½ cup of fruit needs to be offered, but most kids will not take When smoothies are on the breakfast menu, it is easier to meet sodium targets and fat for the week

22 Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits Easy grab n go item Can count as 3 components: – Fruit – Grain (1 oz minimum of WG granola or WG cereal) – Yogurt (Meat Alternate) Build Your Own Parfait Bar

23 Parfaits as a Reimbursable Breakfast Fruit & Yogurt Parfait (includes 2 oz granola or cereal) Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12 Fruit½ cup Grain (WG Rich)*1 oz1 oz M/MA4 oz yogurt = 1 oz M/MA Milk-- Must offer the following in addition to make a parfait reimbursable: ½ cup of juice or fruit 1 cup fluid milk * Grades K-5 may offer 1.5 oz of grain per day to meet minimum weekly requirements.

24 Tips for Success From

25 Build Your Own Parfait Bar Students decide what fruit and grain they want Use pastry bags to quickly fill cups with yogurt Pre-portion fruit and grains – 1 oz cereal containers ($)

26 Breakfast Basket


28 Resources Best Practice Sharing Center Recipe Finder from Team Nutrition ecipes/recipefinder.php USDA School Breakfast Toolkit – – School Breakfast Profit/Loss Calculator:


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