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Overview 2008-01 no. 1. Overview 2008-01 no. 2 Private Agreement Law.

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1 Overview 2008-01 no. 1

2 Overview 2008-01 no. 2 Private Agreement Law

3 Overview 2008-01 no. 3 TFA TGL AGS SAF-LO Collective Pension Career readjustment insurance Wage earners TFA TGL TRR Salaried employees Group Individual OVERVIEW Sick pay/sickness benefit Sickness compensation Work injury insurance Retirement pension Survivors' pension, etc. Sick pay/sickness benefit Sickness compensation Work injury insurance Retirement pension Survivors' pension, etc. Law ITP 1 ITP 2

4 Overview 2008-01 no. 4 BASE AMOUNTS - 2008 4,200 6,000 13,900 29,700 36,600 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Price 41,000- health insurance, base amount (ba)sickness compensation, life annuity (307,500)life annuity (297,700) Income 48,000- pensionable base amount (iba)income (360,000) Price 41,000- health insurance, base amount (ba)sickness compensation, life annuity (307,500)life annuity (297,700) Income 48,000- pensionable base amount (iba)income (360,000) "Raised" (rba) 41,800- supplementary pension 40,300 2007

5 Overview 2008-01 no. 5 EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION - 2008 Retirement pension 10.21 Health insurance 7.71 Parental insurance 2.20 Survivors' pension 1.70 Work injury insurance 0.68 22.50% Labour market contribution 2.43 General employment tax 7.49 9.92% 32.42% * * 21.31% for people born between 1983-1989

6 Overview 2008-01 no. 6 EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION - employees over 65 BornCharge% 1937 and earlier Special payroll tax– 1938 and later Retirement pension contribution 10.21%

7 Overview 2008-01 no. 7 SPECIAL PAYROLL TAX - pension expenses of the pension expenses in the company 24.26 %

8 Overview 2008-01 no. 8 PREMIUMS - wage earners 2008 Career readjustment ins. 0.00 % * AGS1.45 TFA0.15 TGL 0.30 SAF-LO Collective Pension - pension premium3.90 ** - waiver of premium0.64 ** 6.44% * 0.27% for local collective agreements 4.8 % ** 1.64% not invoiced in 2008 – 0.15 – 6.00 ** 0.64 ** Salary ≤ SEK 360,000/year Salary > SEK 360,000/year 6.79% 5.15 % ** 1.64% not invoiced in 2008

9 Overview 2008-01 no. 9 PREMIUMS - salaried employees (ITP 1 ) in 2008 * Health and waiver of premium insurance included Salary ≤ SEK 30,000/month Salary portions > SEK 30,000/month ITP 4.80 % * 33.20 % * TGL0.20– TFA0.01 TRR0.30** 33.51%5.31% ** 0.70% for local collective agreements Premium discount ITP 1.6% Premium discount ITP 0.15% 5.16% 31.91%

10 Overview 2008-01 no. 10 PREMIUMS - salaried employees (ITP 2 ) in 2008 ITP average approx. 11.00% TGL approx. 0.20 TFA 0.01 TRR 0.30 * approx. 11.5% * 0.70% for local collective agreements Premium discount ITP 3.4 % approx. 8.1%

11 Overview 2008-01 no. 11 ITP - premiums in 2008 Salary ≤ SEK 30,000/month Salary > SEK 30,000/month Salary max. 30 iba ITP 4.80ITP 31.60ITP approx. 11.00 TGL0.20TGL0.00TGL0.20 TFA 0.01 TRR0.30TRR0,30 ITP 1 ITP 2 33,51% approx. 11.5% 5.31% Premium discount ITP 0.15% Premium discount ITP 1.6% Premium discount ITP 3.4% 5.16% 31.91% approx. 8.1%

12 Overview 2008-01 no. 12 Fora WAGE EARNERS Career readjustment support AGBTGLAGSTFA AFA InsuranceTSL AMF Pension SAF-LO Collective Pension Insur. company Com- pany Career readjustment support and AGB are included in the career readjustment insurance that applies to companies with collective agreements

13 Overview 2008-01 no. 13 TFAAGE AFA Insurance TRR Fora SALARIED EMPLOYEES FPG PRI Company Alecta Insur. company Insur. company Collectum TGL Bliwa Folksam LF SEB Trygg Liv Skandia Bliwa Folksam LF SEB Trygg Liv Skandia Alecta ITP 1ITP 2 Retirem. pension Disability pension Waiver of premium Retirem pension Family pension RiskITPK Alecta

14 Overview 2008-01 no. 14 SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS - according to the beneficiary clause EF - Owner himself HB - All co-owners AB - Self-employed person himself or together with spouse, children and/or parents owns at least 1/3 of the shares and the self-employed person's spouse who is active in the company

15 Overview 2008-01 no. 15 OBLIGATION TO TAKE OUT INSURANCE Company LOCAL COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT with e.g. Unionen Member of Confederation of Swedish Enterprise Union agreemente.g. MAF - IF MetallMAF - Unionen Company LOCAL COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT with e.g. IF Metall Insurance agreements with Fora must be taken out for all employees "AFA insurance, Career readjustment insur. and SAF-LO Collective Pension” for wage earners TFA for salaried employees Insurance agreements must be taken out for all employees "AFA insurance, Career readjustment insur./AGB and SAF-LO Collective Pension" for wage earners ITP - TGL - TFA - TRR for salaried employees

16 Overview 2008-01 no. 16 GUARANTEE Collective insurance schemes guarantee all employees covered by "recognised" collective agreements the right to compensation even if the employer has failed to maintain insurance cover. Retroactive premiums for the employer

17 Overview 2008-01 no. 17 FINANCING SYSTEMS Funded system ITP/SAF-LO Collective Pension Premium pension Charges Payments retirement age fund Charges Payments retirement age Pay-as-you-go system Income pension Supplementary pension

18 Overview 2008-01 no. 18 SALARY TERMS - pensions Pensionable salary - monthly salary x 12.2 - commission, bonus, etc. - shift allowance, on-duty remuneration, travel time remuneration - holiday pay on variable salary portions - entirely free board lodging Max. 30 iba ITP 2 Gross salary No ceiling SAF-LO Collect. Pension Work income Other remuneration - sickness benefit - parental benefit - UIF - taxable benefits (e.g. per diem allowance) At least SEK 17,400 Max. 7.5 iba General state pension ITP 1 Pensionable salary - Gross salary paid in cash per month No ceiling ITP 1 Pensionable salary - Gross salary paid in cash per month No ceiling

19 Overview 2008-01 no. 19 SALARY TERMS - sickness SICK PAY Salary Employment benefits according to collective agreement No ceiling SICKNESS BENEFIT Salary calculated 12 months ahead (SGI) x 0.97 Max. 7.5 ba SICKNESS COMPENSATION Gross income (PGI) Max. 7.5 ba

20 Overview 2008-01 no. 20 INCOME CEILING Sickness benefit/sickness compensation Work injury insurance Temporary parental allowance General state pension 7.5 ba Parental benefit 7.5 iba 10-fold earner/Alternative ITP 10 ba ITP 2 10 iba ITP 1 SAF-LO Collective Pension Sick pay according to law and agreement TFA 30 iba SEK 480,000/year SEK 410,000/year SEK 360,000/year SEK 307,500/year SEK 1,440,000/year

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