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ES5 Rocks Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic. Standard 5a.

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Presentation on theme: "ES5 Rocks Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic. Standard 5a."— Presentation transcript:

1 ES5 Rocks Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

2 Standard 5a

3 Rock Cycle A. Igneous B. Sedimentary C. Metamorphic D. MagmaE. Sediments F. Weathering Erosion G. Crystallization H. Melting I. Compaction/ Cementation J. Heat and Pressure

4 Rock Cycle A. B.C. D. E. F. _____________ G. ____________ H. __________ I. _____________ J. _____________

5 Rock Cycle B.C. E. F. ____________ G. ____________ H. ____________ I. ____________ J. ____________

6 Rock Cycle A. C. D. F. ____________ G. ____________ H. ____________ I. ____________ J. ____________

7 Rock Cycle A. B. D.E. F. ____________ G. ____________ H. ____________ I. ____________ J. ____________

8 Igneous Rock Cycle A. B. C. ____________ D. ____________

9 Formation of Igneous

10 Where do Igneous Form?

11 Texture of Igneous Rocks Granite Gabbro

12 Texture of Igneous Rocks Rhyolite Basalt

13 Texture of Igneous Rocks Obsidian Pumice

14 Igneous Rock Classification

15 Minerals in Igneous Rocks

16 Felsic (Lighter) Rhyolite Granite

17 Intermediate (Medium) Andesite Diorite

18 Mafic Rocks (Darker) Basalt Gabbro

19 Minerals in Igneous Rocks

20 Geologic Provinces of Virginia

21 Where do we find Igneous Rocks?

22 Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Mountains – Part of Appalachian Mtns Highest mountains in Virginia Oldest rocks in Virginia

23 Blue Ridge Rock Type: – Igneous and metamorphic rocks Age: – 245mya – 1bya(Billion years ago) Fossils – None

24 Rock Cycle A. B. C. ____________ D. ____________

25 Standard 5b

26 Sedimentary Rock Cycle A. B. D. E. F. ____________ G. ____________ H. ____________ I. ____________

27 Formation of Sedimentary Rocks

28 Lithification - Clastic

29 Lithification - Chemical

30 Clastic Rocks Mixed sediment sizes.Sorted Sediment sizes. Conglomerate Sandstone Rounded pebbles, sand, clay Made almost exclusively from sand

31 Clastic Rocks Mixed sediment sizes.Sorted Sediment sizes. Breccia Shale Angular pebbles, sand, mud, clay Almost entirely clay

32 Chemical Rocks Chemical RockBiochemical Rock Limestone Coquina Almost entirely Calcite Clastic- chemical rock. Made of shells Will fizz with Acid

33 Classifying Sedimentary

34 Sedimentary Features Strata Fossils Ripple Marks Mud Cracks

35 Coastal Plain

36 A gently seaward sloping surface in Eastern Va West East Thin Thick “__PILE___” of loose sediments that have eroded from the mountains. The highest elevation is about 300 ft. above sea level

37 Coastal Plain Rock Type: – Loose sediment, sedimentary rocks Age: – 0-225mya (Million years ago) Fossils – Oceanic (Sea shells)

38 Valley and Ridge

39 An area of long, parallel ridges separated by valleys Caves and caverns

40 Valley and Ridge Rock Type: – Ridges: Hard rocks – Valleys: Soft rocks (like limestone) Age: – 350-570mya Fossils – Sea (ex. Shells)

41 Appalachian Plateau

42 Coal seam

43 Appalachian Plateau Rock Type: – Sedimentary Age: – 286-360mya Fossils – Tree – Fern – Some Sea

44 Sedimentary Rock Cycle A. B. D. E. F. ____________ G. ____________ H. ____________ I. ____________

45 Standard 5c

46 MetamorphicRock Cycle A. B. C. D.E. F. ____________ G. ____________ H. ____________ I. ____________ J. ____________

47 Formation

48 Features of Metamorphic Granite Gneiss Heat Pressure

49 Examples of Foliated Rocks ShaleSlate Heat Pressure


51 Two ways to get Gneiss

52 Un-Foliated SandstoneQuartzite Heat Pressure

53 Examples of Un-Foliated Heat and pressure can cause recrystallization. LimestoneMarble Heat Pressure

54 Metamorphic Classification Chart

55 Piedmont

56 Central Virginia Rolling hills and valleys Not much exposed rock

57 Piedmont Rock Type: – Mostly igneous and metamorphic rocks – Loose sediment Age: – 245-570mya (Million years ago) Fossils – None (Except Dino Tracks in Culpeper)

58 Separator: Fall Zone Separates Coastal Plain and Piedmont Water Falls Fall Zone

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