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Senators v. Representatives

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Presentation on theme: "Senators v. Representatives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senators v. Representatives

2 U.S. Congress Senate House 100 members 2 for each state 435
Numbers depend on population of the state Renumbered after each census

3 Representatives Term of Office: 2 years Qualifications 25 years old
7 years as a U.S. citizen Resident of represented state

4 Representatives How many does Utah have?
4 We used to have 3 but based on the last census numbers we gained a seat Who do the representatives represent?

5 We are in Utah’s FIRST congressional district and our representative is Rob Bishop

6 Senators Term of office: 6 years Qualifications 30 years old
9 years a citizen of the U.S. Resident of the represented state

7 Senators How many senators does Utah have?
2 Who do the senators represent in Utah?

8 The 2 Senators that represent the entire state of Utah are – Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee

9 Do you see anything funny about the way the districts are laid out?
What about the way Salt Lake County is sectioned off?

10 Cracking Splitting up districts so a party cannot gain a majority – they cannot win any districts



13 Packing Putting one party into one district so they can only win that one district




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