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1 Table of Contents 0 1.Take out your Lab Notebook!

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1 1 Table of Contents 0 1.Take out your Lab Notebook!

2 3 Frog Dissection Sketches Anatomical Directions 2 1.Goal of the Day 1 2.Anatomical Directions Notes 1.BrainJog #1: Anatomical Directions 2.Sketches of the major organs of the body.

3 5 Major Organs, Introduction 4 1.Goal of the Day 2 2.Major Organs Explanation 1.BrainJog #2: Major Organs

4 7 Heart Anatomy 6 1.Goal of the Day 3 2.Circulatory System Overview 1.Taking Pulses Trials 2.BrainJog #3: Pulses

5 9 Heart Anatomy, Part II 8 1.Goal of the Day 4 2.Heart Anatomy and Vascularization 1.BrainJog #4: Circulation Overview

6 11 Heart Contraction 10 1.Goal of the Day 5 2.Heart Contraction Steps 1.BrainJog #5: Heart Chambers and Valves 2.Pressure and Volume Simulation

7 13 Cardiac Conductivity 12 1.Goal of the Day 6 2.Cardiac Conductivity Notes 1.Cathy’s Story Focus Questions: 1.Define tachycardia. 2.Describe the cause of Cathy’s tachycardia. 3.State what is an appropriate ejection fraction (EF). 4.Explain the function of a implantable defibrillator.

8 15 Blood Blood Components 14 1.Goal of the Day 7 2.Blood Components Notes 1.BrainJog #6: Tachycardia and Bradycardia 2.BrainJog #7: Cardiac Conductivity

9 17 Hypertension Blood Pressure 16 1.Goal of the Day 8 2.Blood Pressure Explanation 1.BrainJog #9: Blood Typing 2.Partner’s Vitals Heartrate Respiration Blood Pressure Height (and Weight)

10 19 Review Circulatory System Review 18 1.Goal of the Day 9 2.Review/Summ ary 1.BrainJog #11: Blood Pressure 2.Heart Attack Articles

11 21 The Lungs Respiratory System Introduction 20 1.Goal of the Day 1 2.Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract 1.KWL Chart 2.BrainJog #1: Breathing Deeply 3.BrainJog #2: Levels of Organization

12 23 Passive Exhalation Passive Inhalation 22 1.Goal of the Day 2 2.Pressure Changes in Lungs 1.BrainJog #3: Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract 2.Modeling Materials and Drawing

13 25 Spirometry Lung Capacities 24 1.Goal of the Day 3 2.Lung Capacities and Tidal Volumes 1.BrainJog #4: Passive Inhalation and Exhalation 2.BrainJog #5: Spirometry

14 27 Restrictive Lung Disease Obstructive Lung Disease 26 1.Goal of the Day 4 2.Lung Pathology 1.BrainJog #6: Lung Capacities 2.BrainJog #7: Obstructive and Restrictive Disease

15 29 Mucociliary Transport The Sneeze 28 1.Goal of the Day 5 2.The Sneeze 1.Explain the Sneeze Reflex

16 31 Inhalant Drugs Marijuana Science 30 1.Goal of the Day 6 2.Marijuana on the Brain 1.BrainJog #8: Mucociliary Transport 2.BrainJog #9: Marijuana

17 33 Alveoli Anatomy Alveolar Pressures 32 1.Goal of the Day 7 2.Alveolar Pressures and Gas Exchange 1.BrainJog #10: Marijuana 2.BrainJog #11: Alveoli

18 35 End of Respiration Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 34 1.Goal of the Day 8 2.Unit Review 1.BrainJog #12: Gas Exchange 2.Reflection on Unit

19 37 Intro to Reproduction Reproductive Anatomy 36 1.Goal of the Day 1 2.Reproductive Anatomy 1.BrainJog #1: Reproduction Background 2.BrainJog #2: Reproductive Anatomy

20 39 Ejaculation and Ovulation Pregnancy and Fertilization 38 1.Goal of the Day 2 2.Pregnancy and Fertilization Explanation 1.BrainJog #3: Reproductive Anatomy 2.BrainJog #4: Pregnancy and Fertilization

21 41 Sexual Features in Males and Females Sexual Attraction 40 1.Goal of the Day 3 2.Features of Sexual Attraction 1.BrainJog #5: Fertilization in detail 2.What features make males and females attractive, in your opinion (ind. activity)?

22 43 Keys of Healthy Relationships Falling in Love 42 1.Goal of the Day 4 2.Keys of Healthy Relationships 1.BrainJog #6: Features of Sexual Attraction 2.Relationship Vision

23 45 The Half-way Point Semester Final Review 44 1.Goal of the Day 5 2.Semester Final Review 1.BrainJog #7: Healthy Relationships

24 47 New Years Resolutions Welcome Back! 46 1.Goal of the Day 1 2.5 New Years Resolutions 1.3 Short stories (5 sentences long) of highlights of winter break

25 49 Planned Parenthood Discussion Abortion 48 1.Goal of the Day 6 2.Abortion Explanation 1.Abortion Opinion Community Circle 2.BrainJog #8: Abortion

26 51 Genetic Disorders Genes and DNA 50 1.Goal of the Day 7 2.DNA and Chromosomes Explanation 1.BrainJog #9: Abortion 2.BrainJog #10: DNA

27 53 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Infections 52 1.Goal of the Day 8 2.STDs Explanation 1.BrainJog #11: Progeria and Mutations 2.BrainJog #12: STDs 3.BrainJog #13: STDs, Part II

28 55 Menopause Erectile Dysfunction 54 1.Goal of the Day 9 2.Aging in the Reproductive System 1.BrainJog #13: STDs, Part II

29 57 Unit Summary 56 1.Summary

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