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Rocks and The Rock Cycle Ms. Mathieson. Do Now What is a mineral? What is a rock?

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks and The Rock Cycle Ms. Mathieson. Do Now What is a mineral? What is a rock?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks and The Rock Cycle Ms. Mathieson

2 Do Now What is a mineral? What is a rock?

3 Read Aloud Chapter 4: Section 1

4 What is a rock? Rock: a mixture of one or more minerals, rock fragments, volcanic glass, organic matter, or other natural materials; can be igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary.

5 3 Major Types of Rock Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary


7 The Rock Cycle The Rock Cycle is: a model that describes how rocks slowly change from one form to another through time. *The rock cycle processes do not create or destroy matter.*


9 Rock Cycle Facts: Processes of the rock cycle change rocks slowly over time. Processes that transform: Heat and Pressure Weathering: mechanical or chemical surface processes that break rock into smaller and smaller piece. Erosion: process in which surface materials are worn away and transported from one place to another by agents such as gravity, water, wind, and glaciers.

10 An Example of This Process… Heat and Pressure: Changes Sedimentary Rock to form Metamorphic Rock. Heat: Metamorphic Rock can be melted and cool to form Igneous Rock. Weathering and Erosion: Igneous rock can be weathered and eroded into small pieces. These pieces can be compacted and cemented together to form Sedimentary Rock.

11 Exit Slip Rocks Minerals

12 Exit Slip Classify the Following: HeterogeneousHomogeneous ElementsCompounds Mineral MixturesInorganic Matter Organic MatterCrystalline Solid Natural ProcessChemical Composition Weathering and ErosionHeat and Pressure MagmaForms through processes

13 Do Now What are the 3 main rock types? What forces are involved in the rock cycle?

14 Homework Due: Friday- November 6, 2015 Complete Rock Cycle Diagram

15 Homework Due: Tuesday- November 10, 2015 Complete Rock Cycle Diagram

16 Video Elements of Earth Science: Rocks, Minerals and Soil

17 Independent Work Create a diagram of the rock cycle. Include the following: The 3 rock types. The processes that change rocks.

18 Exit Slip 1.What are the 3 main rock types? 2.What are the forces involved in the rock cycle?

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