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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I have a Dream” “I have a Dream” Conversational English Professor Mary Ann Toledo English 2050 – 3357 Online Module 3 Task.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I have a Dream” “I have a Dream” Conversational English Professor Mary Ann Toledo English 2050 – 3357 Online Module 3 Task."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I have a Dream” “I have a Dream” Conversational English Professor Mary Ann Toledo English 2050 – 3357 Online Module 3 Task 3.1 Recorded assignment

2 To captivate the audience he showed himself confident, sincere, relaxed and energetic at the same time, by using powerful words. He had an impeccable appearance and good posture while standing in front of the Podium. Not reading from scripts thus avoiding distraction. He really meant and felt what he was saying! It was passionate; by using biblical language he created a march of crusades. Besides the perfect scenario, with the Statue of Abraham Lincoln in the back, helped him enhance a speech on equality.


4 The analogy made when he said that they were there for a reason, to cash a check and the “check” would have been the “Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” And the recipients: “... all men, yes, black men as well as white men” hit on the target.

5 Things like the non-verbal language, the tone of his voice, the cadence of the words and the rhythm of the sentences, the power of repetition, vocal quality, are only few of the attributes or characteristics that qualify Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a good speaker. The Reverend King used metaphor to express in words the absurdity of the situation in which African-Americans had to live. Things like the non-verbal language, the tone of his voice, the cadence of the words and the rhythm of the sentences, the power of repetition, vocal quality, are only few of the attributes or characteristics that qualify Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a good speaker. The Reverend King used metaphor to express in words the absurdity of the situation in which African-Americans had to live. Simply, a memorable and amazing speech! This was a speech –a presentation– that changed the destiny of a nation. Simply, a memorable and amazing speech! This was a speech –a presentation– that changed the destiny of a nation.

6 English 2050 – 3357 Online, (2014); Module 3, Task 3.1; Martin Luther King Speech: I have a Dream; Retrieved in:

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