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More than Awards… 4-H Record Books Teach Life Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "More than Awards… 4-H Record Books Teach Life Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 More than Awards… 4-H Record Books Teach Life Skills

2 A 4-H Record Book is… An organized way to summarize a 4- H member’s project work, leadership and citizenship activities. A way to compete for awards and scholarships One of those things that kids/parents put in those stiff green folders with a clover A real headache 2

3 A 4-H Record Book is also… A way to help members learn: To Set goals and work toward them To make decisions To keep records To utilize available technology To summarize information To manage time and resources To communicate thoughts, feelings and achievements 3

4 4 Report goals and how they were completed. Report subject matter and life skills learned and developed. Report participation in personal development, community service and leadership opportunities. Method for reflecting and analyzing. Method for evaluation. Purpose for 4-H Record Books

5 Targeting Life Skills 5 Hendricks, P. (1998) “Developing Youth Curriculum Using the Targeting Life Skills Model”

6 6 Record Keeping applies Experiential Learning Reinforces learning and develops understanding. Includes sharing new knowledge with others. Answers three questions:  What was learned?  What does it mean?  How is it used? Pfieffer and Jones, 1985

7 Goal Setting 7 Start with Project Objectives Found in these documents on the State 4-H website State 4-H Awards Handbook Hands-on Planning Guide My 4-H Planning Calendar Project Sheets

8 State 4-H Awards Handbook 8 Revised annually

9 Hands-on Planning Tool 9

10 My 4-H Planning Calendar 10

11 Project Sheets 11

12 Project Sheets 12

13 Project Objectives… Are available for stand-alone and AOP projects Reflect current focus of projects Include appropriate technology applications Encourage planning Insure well-rounded project experiences Provide standards to measure project achievement Encourage research and civic involvement 13

14 Objectives for all projects Apply all 4-H training and experience in choosing and preparing for a career Practice leadership skills and roles in 4-H and the community Take part in community affairs and demonstrate citizenship responsibility. Develop integrity, sportsmanship, decision-making capability and public speaking skills through experiential learning. Objectives for this project Develop research skills by attaining pertinent information about a given topic Learn to organize materials to be presented in a speech Develop a pleasing appearance for an audience Learn to speak convincingly in public, use appropriate gestures for effect, etc. Learn to communicate effectively with a variety of age groups Learn about cultural differences in communication, and utilize culturally sensitive practices 14 Project Objectives Public Speaking Project

15 Planning Learn to communicate effectively with a variety of age groups What I have done Taught workshop for cloverbuds Gave a speech to local OHCE group What I plan to do Learn about developmental needs of 5-8 year olds Study effective communication techniques for older adults and modify a presentation for their special needs 15

16 Record Keeping Tools on the State 4-H website – Monthly 4-H Records – Project Sheets Calendar Spiral Notebook 16

17 Record Keeping 17

18 Project Sheets 18

19 Project Sheets 19

20 20 Goals Knowledge and skills learned Projects work completed through reports of size, scope and growth in project -Reference materials used -Recipes tried – categories of recipes -Meals planned – breakfast, lunch, dinner Keep a Record of…

21 21 Demonstrations, talks, exhibits, news articles written, displays, exhibits, etc. completed Workshops, short-courses and tours participated in Volunteer leadership Citizenship/Community service Action photo’s – actual project work, citizenship and leadership Keep a Record of…

22 Record Keeping Preparation for: – Scholarship Applications – College – Job – Tax preparation 22

23 Technology 23 Develop/enhance computer skills

24 Technology 24 Develop/enhance photo editing skills

25 Summarize Decide what is important enough to report – Impact how time is spent in the future Better time management Organize thoughts/ideas in 4-H Story – Develop critical thinking skills Improve decision-making Find the “best” way to showcase information – Understand that there is more than one “right” way Improve visual learning skills 25

26 Manage Time/Resources 26 Prioritize Most important right now Most benefit – current & future Plan ahead Sequential steps Analyze Is this important enough to do?

27 Communication Written – Proper grammar/sentence structure – Organize thoughts Oral – Something to “talk” about – Proper “writing” encourages proper “speech” 27

28 Communication Communicate this: – I thought – I felt – I learned – I hope – I am thankful – I believe Instead of this: – I did – I won – I lost 28

29 Process – Not Product When 4-H members … Set goals/work toward them Keep records Utilize technology Summarize information Manage time/resources Communicate thoughts, feelings and achievements They learn … To finish what they start To be accountable To research/solve problems To decide what is important Time /resources are finite and valuable To acknowledge their feelings and feel good about accomplishments 29

30 More than Awards… 4-H Record Books Teach Life Skills

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