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BSF and the Learning Platforms Agenda Thursday 1st March 2007 Jill Collison, Education ICT Adviser Partnerships for Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "BSF and the Learning Platforms Agenda Thursday 1st March 2007 Jill Collison, Education ICT Adviser Partnerships for Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSF and the Learning Platforms Agenda Thursday 1st March 2007 Jill Collison, Education ICT Adviser Partnerships for Schools

2 Objectives By the end of the session delegates will: understand the transformational potential of an area- wide learning platform; be aware of the way in which teachers’ lesson planning and preparation can be supported by the use of third-party content within a learning platform; know about learning platform procurement, including use of the Becta Learning Platform Services Framework.

3 What is BSF? The aim is to transform secondary education so that it is fit for purpose in the 21 st century. The lever is a massive injection of capital for: –Construction –Furniture and Equipment –ICT The total value of the programme over 15 years is around £45,000,000,000 Of this, 10% (£4,500,000,000) is for ICT infrastructure, equipment and services.

4 A unique opportunity for transformation BSF gives us the chance to create new physical and virtual workplaces. The two taken together constitute a 21 st century environment for learning.

5 What is a Learning Platform? Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Managed Learning Environment (MLE) Online Learning Environment (OLE) Personalised Learning Environment (PLE)

6 What is a Learning Platform? Becta defines a learning platform as a bringing together of hardware, software and supporting services to enable more effective ways of working within and outside the classroom. Every learning platform should provide this range of ICT-based functions: –Content management –Curriculum mapping and planning –Learner engagement and administration –Tools and services

7 Why have a learning platform? What are the drivers for exploring a learning platform? –E strategy: Harnessing Technology –Gilbert report –Every Child Matters outcomes –14-19 plans

8 Why have a learning platform? Think about learning…. What are the learning opportunities afforded by a learning platform? Think about personalising learning….. –students following personal learning pathways; –students studying where and when is most appropriate for their learning; –students working collaboratively with others engaged in similar learning and/or with experts in the topic they are studying.

9 What (personalised) learning opportunities would you want from a learning platform?

10 Virtual Workspace



13 Social software, learning and learning platforms “We are witnessing the rapid proliferation of technologies that are less about ‘narrowcasting’ to individuals than the creation of communities and resources in which individuals come together to learn, collaborate and build knowledge” Futurelab: Social Software and Learning Is there a danger of learning platforms being a form of narrowcasting?

14 Pedagogical change….. Think about teaching….. What does a learning platform mean for teachers? Does it change what it means to be a teacher? What form of CPD would be most beneficial?

15 Thinking about parents… Does a learning platform afford opportunities for parental engagement in their children’s learning?

16 Think a little about technology…. What ICT functionality would best support learning in the way that we have defined? The ‘Amazon’ approach to learning

17 Learning content Area-wide procurement can give economical access to a wide range of ‘tagged’ learning content Copyright issues Are the only ‘valuable’ resources web-based?

18 Why have an area-wide learning platform? Anywhere, anytime learning…… –Single sign-on –Supports collaboration between schools –Enables personalised learning –Manage attendance across schools –E-portfolio – private/public –Safe access to collaborative learning tools within LA learning platform –Economies of scale – online mentors affordable across an LA and can be based anywhere –Enhances teachers’ opportunities to work across sites –Supports Primary/Secondary transition

19 How to procure a learning platform BSF procurement Local Authorities, schools and Academies not within BSF programme

20 PfS ICT Output Specification

21 Becta Learning Platform Services Framework suppliers: Azzurri Communications Ltd Etech Group Fronter Netmedia Education Pearson Education Ltd Ramesys RM Education plc Serco Learning Solutions (Serco Ltd) UniServity Viglen Ltd

22 And as they say on the BBC…. (other TV and radio listings magazines are available) other learning platforms are available.

23 Becta support for learning platform discussions: Becta self-review framework 8/1172243702805/rebrand/home/index.cfm?forcenew =yes Learning platform information: ode=ss_lv_lp_03 Learning platform services framework: ode=ss_res_pro_bps_lp_04

24 Partnerships for Schools Strategic Director for ICT: –Steve Moss: Education ICT Advisers: South: –Anne Casey: –Martin Magnago: North: –Elaine Barnett: –Jill Collison:

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