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Understanding English as an Additional Language: Part 1 Bebe Vocong February 23, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding English as an Additional Language: Part 1 Bebe Vocong February 23, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding English as an Additional Language: Part 1 Bebe Vocong February 23, 2016

2 Series Overview Part 1 Common terms and acronyms BICS and CALP Acculturation Part 2 Factors that affect 2 nd language acquisition L1 interference Sociocultural understanding Part 3 Teaching methods ESL approaches Teaching strategies

3 hello! Background Information Cast your vote in the poll on the side of the screen. 1. In which grade division are you currently teaching or involved with? 2. Where are you teaching?

4 Terms and Acronyms  Subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) English as an Additional Language (EAL) English as a Foreign Language (EFL)  Students: English language learners (ELLs) Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Limited Formal Schooling (LFS)  Both English as a Second Dialect (ESD)

5 Terms  Language: L1 L2  Students: Native speakers Non-native speakers  Alberta Education Codes 301 (foreign born) 303 (Canadian born) 640 (refugee) 302 (international students)

6 Let’s review Choose the correct acronyms for the following descriptors: ESL EALEFLELLs 1.Students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English. 2.The study of English in countries where English is not the dominant language of communication. 3.The Alberta high school program of studies that focuses on English language proficiency. 4.This term acknowledges that students are competent speakers of at least one home language. 5.The study of English by non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment.

7 BICS & CALP Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills & Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

8 Language Proficiency Framework


10 Let’s review Identify the following descriptors as either: BICSCALP 1.Your student tells you about her weekend. 2.Students having to write a friendly letter about themselves. 3.The Alberta provincial achievement tests and diploma exams. 4.Students completing a worksheet on idiomatic expressions. 5.Engaging students in a class debate on a topic that has been covered in class. 6.Students introducing themselves orally in front of the class.

11 Stages of Acculturation  Honeymoon or Euphoric Stage Excitement with the new culture  Rejection or Culture Shock Stage Excitement has turned to disappointment Overwhelmed and anxious about cultural differences  Regression or Culture Stress Stage Frustration and homesickness

12 Stages of Acculturation  Integration or Adaptation Stage Learning to integrate into the new culture  Acceptance Stage Feeling at home in the new culture Acceptance and prosperity

13 Let’s review For each scenario, choose the correct stage of acculturation: HoneymoonRejectionRegressionintegrationacceptance 1.On his first day of kindergarten, a South Sudanese boy runs around with a pair of scissors tryjng to stab the other students, and throws sand all over the classroom. 2.A well behaved grade 8 Eritrean girl goes to school every day and uses English only with her teachers. She seeks out other Tigrigna speakers at school. 3.A grade 10 student, who has been in Canada for 2 years, wants to drop out of school as soon as he turns sixteen and return to Colombia. 4.A Vietnamese girl, who came to Canada in kindergarten, only has English speaking friends and is fully integrated into the mainstream grade 6 classroom.

14 Place your screenshot here Additional Information: English as a Second Language Council (ESLC) of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) publications.html

15 thanks! Any questions? Next webinar: Monday, February 29, 2016 @ 4:30 p.m. You can contact me at

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