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Common Core State Standards in the Elementary Schools in Blue Valley.

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1 Common Core State Standards in the Elementary Schools in Blue Valley

2 What are the Common Core State Standards? Blue Valley and Kansas have adopted the Common Core State Standards. These standards provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare all children for college and the workforce. 46 states have now adopted these standards. Blue Valley and the state of Kansas anticipate full implementation by 2014.

3 How were the CCSS developed? The standards were developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, business leaders, researchers and many other experts. The standards reflect the highest, most effective models from states across the country and countries around the world, and provide teachers and parents with a common understanding of what students are expected to learn.

4 Why is this good for Blue Valley? The CCSS are a rigorous set of standards that will prepare Blue Valley students for college and career readiness. The standards encompass not only rigorous content but also 21 st Century skills such as problem solving, technology efficiency and critical thinking.

5 Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards have been adopted in both English Language Arts and Mathematics.

6 Common Core State Standards Blue Valley Elementary Schools began implementing these standards in English Language Arts this year and all schools will implement math beginning next year.

7 English Language Arts and Literacy Standards Includes: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Applies to Science and Social Studies

8 LEAD 21 is a new resource Blue Valley teachers are using to teach the new Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. Benchmark Writing (using a writers’ workshop format) is used for Writing instruction.

9 Building Knowledge through Content- Rich Nonfiction Students need to be grounded in information about the world around them. Non-fiction plays an important part in building students’ knowledge about content. In the past, a great deal of time has been spent in literacy blocks with fewer than 10% of language arts texts being non-fiction. Now the standards are calling for 50% fiction and 50% non-fiction/informational texts.

10 Reading and Writing Grounded in Evidence Using evidence from texts to present careful analyses, well-defended claims and clear information. Priority on asking students questions that require students to read texts with care. Less emphasis on “search and find” questions. Narrative writing throughout all grades which helps develop a command of sequence and detail.

11 Reading and Writing Narrative writing supports the emphasis on argumentative and informative writing which will be emphasized in later grades. Focus on evidence-based writing and speaking to inform and persuade is a shift from current practices which draw on student experience and opinion.

12 Text Complexity The ability to comprehend complex text is the most significant factor differentiating college- ready from non-college ready readers. Complexity is determined by a variety of factors including syntax and vocabulary. Understanding key academic vocabulary requires practice and supported, close reading.

13 Mathematical Standards Shift from students being exposed to a broad range of topics to deep understanding and mastery of a narrower range of topics. Greater focus and coherence across grade levels Teachers across the District are currently piloting materials. One series will be selected and implemented next year.

14 Greater Focus on Fewer Topics Instruction will need to go from “a mile wide and an inch deep” to “much less wide and much more deep.” Educators must significantly narrow the scope of content in each grade and deepen the time and energy spent on specific skills. K-2: Concepts, skills and problem solving related to addition and subtraction 3-5: Concepts, skills and problem solving related to multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions.

15 Linking Topics and Thinking Across Grades Mathematics is a coherent body of study made up of interconnected topics. Vertical links from one grade to the next enable students to progress in their mathematical education. Students must apply and extend their understandings of mathematical topics From one grade level to the next, students are expected to build on that skill to apply and extend previous learnings.

16 Conceptual Understanding Deep command of mathematical concepts – not introducing earlier or making math harder Three major aspects: 1.Conceptual understanding – The why’s of math. Going beyond algorithms and mnemonics 2.Procedural skill and fluency – Speed and accuracy in calculation 3.Application – Use math in situations that require mathematical knowledge

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