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Public Sales Tax Initiative 1. 41 Sworn Officer Positions  78% Patrol (6 commanders with 26 Frontline officers)  12% Investigations (1 commander, 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Sales Tax Initiative 1. 41 Sworn Officer Positions  78% Patrol (6 commanders with 26 Frontline officers)  12% Investigations (1 commander, 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Sales Tax Initiative 1

2 41 Sworn Officer Positions  78% Patrol (6 commanders with 26 Frontline officers)  12% Investigations (1 commander, 3 Investigators and 1 evidence officer)  8% Administration  2% High Intensity Drug Trafficking Officer 2

3  Under current policy, the minimum acceptable patrol staffing level is 1-3-1 per shift.  Anything below 1-3-1 is considered an officer safety matter and an officer will be called into service to fill the void. 3

4 2012 Staffing Levels  2012 37% of the patrol shifts were at minimum acceptable staffing level 1-3-1. 4

5  Extended Illness and Injuries  Flex and Comp Time  Holiday and Vacation  Academy and Field Training  Court Time  High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area  Military Commitments 5

6 6

7 I – 44 Corridor: Coffeyville, Parsons, Pittsburg and Joplin. State Attorney General Says 80% of Meth Labs are in Southeast Kansas Source: KOAM News May 07, 2013. 7

8 Demand is geographically skewed in the U.S. as the West prefers Meth (red) and the East prefers Cocaine (blue). 8

9 The Supply Routes for Meth Follow the Demand. 9

10 Since 1996, Crawford County has been a federally designated High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (Midwest HIDTA Region, light blue). 10

11 Top U.S. cities for Burglary with population of 250,000 or more: 1. Cleveland, OH6. Detroit, MI 2. Toledo, OH7. St. Louis, MO (I-44) 3. Columbus, OH8. Tulsa, OK (I-44) 4. Cincinnati, OH9. Oklahoma City, OK (I-44) 5. Memphis, TN 10. Greensboro, NC 11

12 Narcotics Staffing  In 2012, the police department was unable to assign an investigator to work narcotics due to the minimum acceptable staffing levels in patrol (37%).  The police department currently has a single patrol officer assigned to work narcotics within the city. 12

13 Five additional officers will be required to reach targeted staffing levels, including two additional dispatchers.  Current Minimum Staffing Level for Patrol:  1 Supervisor  3 Officers  1 Dispatcher  Optimum Targeted Staffing Level for Patrol:  1 Supervisor  5 Officers  2 Dispatchers 13

14 Five additional Investigator positions.  Current Staffing Level For Investigations:  1Supervisor  4 Investigators  Optimum Targeted Staffing Level For Investigations:  1Supervisor  6Investigators  3Narcotics 14

15 A Crime Analyst Position.  14 Year old antiquated technology  Modern technology 15

16 PurposeAmount Police Staff and Equipment$800,000 Fire Equipment and Training200,000 Crime Solving Technology300,000 Emergency Reserve500,000 Total$1,800,000 16

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