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Addressing Assumptions, Beliefs, and Controversial Issues Surrounding RtI/MTSS at Tier 3 October, 2014 Facilitated/Presented by: The Illinois RtI Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing Assumptions, Beliefs, and Controversial Issues Surrounding RtI/MTSS at Tier 3 October, 2014 Facilitated/Presented by: The Illinois RtI Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing Assumptions, Beliefs, and Controversial Issues Surrounding RtI/MTSS at Tier 3 October, 2014 Facilitated/Presented by: The Illinois RtI Network is a State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) project of the Illinois State Board of Education. All funding (100%) is from federal sources. The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H325A100005-12. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (OSEP Project Officer: Grace Zamora Durán) I-RtI Network Insert name(s) here Illinois RTI Network, 2014

2 2013-2014 NETWORKING REVIEW I-RtI Network Illinois RTI Network, 2014

3 Review Previous Networking : Tier 1 Tier 2 One of the best ways to remember something is to test yourself. Illinois RTI Network, 2014

4 Tier 1 Scope & Sequence

5 Tier 2 Scope & Sequence Illinois RTI Network, 2014

6 Outcomes for Today Participants will: Share and learn about Tier 3 assumptions & beliefs in some Illinois districts Utilize the Tier 3 Logistics Checklist to find potential strengths & weaknesses in Tier 3 systems Share and reflect on continuum of supports at Tier 3 Illinois RTI Network, 2014

7 Activity: Tier 3 Assumptions, Beliefs, & Controversial Issues Lineup – Take a Stand Where do you stand on the issue? All the way to one side or the other? Somewhere in the middle? Must pick one side over the other, but can place yourself on a line of continuum between that side and the other. Illinois RTI Network, 2014

8 Take a Stand I BELIEVE... Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Labeling helps studentsLabeling does not help students

9 Illinois RTI Network, 2014 English language learners should have ample time before considering intensive reading intervention English language learners should have early intensive reading intervention Take a Stand I BELIEVE...

10 Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Students with significant needs should receive Tier 3 level supports directly if meets Tier 3 decision rule criteria Students with significant needs should receive Tier 2 level supports & move to Tier 3 supports if insufficient progress Take a Stand I BELIEVE... Small groupbigger group

11 Activity: Tier 3 Assumptions, Beliefs, & Controversial Issues 4 Corners 1.Tier 3 includes students with & without IEPs 2.Tier 3 includes only students with IEPs 3.Tier 3 includes only students without IEPs 4.Don’t Know or We have no Tier 3 yet Illinois RTI Network, 2014

12 Activity Questions for each Corner: “Model” What assumptions/beliefs lead to this selection? Advantages of your “model” Disadvantages of other “model” #__ Illinois RTI Network, 2014

13 Alternate Version Tier 3 w/ & w/out IEP Tier 3 IS IEPTier 3 no IEP Advantages Disadvantages Illinois RTI Network, 2014

14 Time for Reflection How are you feeling about your awareness of advantages & disadvantages of Tier 3 issues discussed? I am more confused now about advantages & disadvantages of the issues than when I got here. I have about the same understanding of advantages & disadvantages of the issues as when I got here. I have a better understanding of advantages & disadvantages of the issues than when I got here. Questions/Comments Illinois RTI Network, 2014

15 TIER 3 LOGISTICS CHECKLIST I-RtI Network Illinois RTI Network, 2014

16 Logistics Checklist Illinois RTI Network, 2014

17 Dig Down What Decision Rules are Needed? Illinois RTI Network, 2014

18 Dig Down Selecting Interventions Illinois RTI Network, 2014

19 Activity: Checklist Reflection Review the first 3 sections of the checklist individually & make note of – ✔ anything that affirms prior knowledge – ! What surprises you – ? What you wish to know more about Discuss ! & ? with your elbow partner Share out whole group, especially ? Illinois RTI Network, 2014

20 West Virginia Dept. of Ed. RTI Scheduling Considerations Checklist casei/RTISchedulingConsiderationsChecklist.p df casei/RTISchedulingConsiderationsChecklist.p df Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Dig Down Scheduling

21 Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Dig Down Progress Monitoring

22 Activity: Checklist Reflection Review the next 3 sections of the checklist individually & make note of – ✔ anything that affirms prior knowledge – ! What surprises you – ? What you wish to know more about Discuss ! & ? with your elbow partner Share out whole group, especially ? Illinois RTI Network, 2014

23 Dig Down What Decision Rules are Needed? Illinois RTI Network, 2014

24 Activity: Checklist Reflection Review the last 3 sections of the checklist individually & make note of – ✔ anything that affirms prior knowledge – ! What surprises you – ? What you wish to know more about Discuss ! & ? with your elbow partner Share out whole group, especially ? Illinois RTI Network, 2014

25 Time for Reflection How are you feeling about your ability to use the checklist for analyzing Tier 3 logistics? I am more confused now about analyzing Tier 3 logistics than when I got here. I have about the same understanding of analyzing Tier 3 logistics as when I got here. I have a better understanding of analyzing Tier 3 logistics than when I got here. Questions/Comments Illinois RTI Network, 2014

26 BUILDING A TIER 3 CONTINUUM I-RtI Network Illinois RTI Network, 2014


28 In groups of 4, generate a list Share out whole group Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Activity: Brainstorm ways to intensify interventions/strategies

29 Increase or Intensify... Increase Time Decrease Group Size Increase Opportunities to Respond Increase Corrective Feedback Increase Explicit, Teacher-Led Instruction Intensify Scaffolding Intensify Motivational Strategies Intensify Language Support Increase Progress Monitoring -Mark Shinn, 2010 Illinois RTI Network, 2014

30 Next Step(s) Using the list of variables from the last slide, identify 1-2 ideas that you would either like to use back in school/district or would like to learn more about Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Activity:

31 CONTINUUM OF SUPPORTS Illinois RTI Network, 2014

32 Create matrix of variables to define your continuum In classroom provided by teacher assistant/volunteer In classroom provided by classroom teacher In classroom provided by specialist Out of classroom provided by specialist Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Group of 7-9 Group of 4-6 Group of 1-3 Individual (1:1) Core + 0 min Core + 20 min Core + 40 min Core + 60 min OTR= 30/10 min OTR= 40/10 min OTR= 50/10 min OTR= 60/10 min Opportunities Who & Where Group Size Timeto Respond

33 Assess Special Education Continuum General Education with accommodationsGeneral Education with “push-in” supportsResource Room “pull-out” supportsSpecial Education class in general education schoolSpecial Education class in special education centerPrivate PlacementResidential Placement Illinois RTI Network, 2014

34 Sp ed staff; 60 min additional; 35/10 min OTR; 3 scaffolds; 9/1 praise ratio;... Certified staff; 40 min additional; 25/10 min OTR; 2 scaffolds; 5/1 praise ratio;... Two Examples in Building a Tier 3 Continuum 90 min additional; 55/10 min OTR; 5 scaffolds; 15/1 ratio;... Corrective Reading + Reasoning & Writing + Research Study Corrective Reading + Reasoning & Writing Corrective Reading+ Reading Foundations Reading Foundations Reading in Daily Living Wilson Less Intensive More Intensive

35 Think-Pair-Share Individually think about your Tier 3 continuum of supports. Fill in continuum handout either with what you have, or what you would like to have. Share your continuum with an elbow partner. Share out a few as a whole group. Illinois RTI Network, 2014 Activity:

36 Time for Reflection How are you feeling about building a continuum of Tier 3 supports? I am more confused now about building a continuum of Tier 3 supports than when I got here. I have about the same understanding of building a continuum of Tier 3 supports as when I got here. I have a better understanding of building a continuum of Tier 3 supports than when I got here. Questions/Comments Illinois RTI Network, 2014

37 Closing Activities Network Evaluation ISBE Evaluation Illinois RTI Network, 2014

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