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GCSE English Language AQA Achieving a C Grade. Course Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE English Language AQA Achieving a C Grade. Course Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE English Language AQA Achieving a C Grade

2 Course Overview

3 The Examination

4 Overview of The Exam Paper

5 In order to achieve, at least, a C grade all questions must be answered. Foundation Tier Higher Tier QuestionNumber of pages Marks Reading 1a½ (8 lines) 4 Reading 1b½4 Reading 228 Reading 3212 Reading 4212 Writing 5216 Writing 6424 QuestionNumber of pages Marks Reading 138 Reading 238 Reading 338 Reading 4416 Writing 5416 Writing 6524

6 Identify the form of writing you’ve been asked to do and the purpose of it. Your local council is holding an awards ceremony called ‘Amazing Local People’. Write a letter to your local council, naming someone you know for an award, explaining why they deserve to win. Direct address, formal language, subject line, etc. Because, therefore, so, consequently, etc.

7  Interpretation – Explain in your own words the issues raised in the text (answer the question) and support with relevant quotes from the text.  Analysis – Identify the use of language techniques (or presentational devices) and explain what emotion the reader might have towards the person or situation being described.

8 Exam Question What do you understand about Amy Winehouse’s schooldays from the extract? Remember to: show your understanding by explaining in your own words support your ideas with the text. (8 marks)

9 One thing we learn about Amy’s schooldays is that she loved singing and being in the school shows, ‘Just about the only thing she seemed to enjoy about school was performance’. This tells us that Amy was only really interested in the subject she enjoyed and was good at - performing arts.  In this example, we can see a statement supported by a quotation.  The interpretation is not a paraphrase of either the statement or quotation. It shows something has been deduced by the candidate, thereby demonstrating their understanding of the text. Response

10 How does the writer use language features in the brochure? Remember to: give some examples of language features explain the effects. Rhetorical questions, question and answer sequences, direct address, specialist vocabulary, positive adjectives/nouns/superlatives, facts, etc. Impressed, intrigued, excited, involved, special, important, satisfied, persuaded, etc.

11 Respond to the task by: Identifying the use of a language technique and explaining what is being described Commenting on what emotion the reader might have towards either the person or situation being described.

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