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Lawyers, Guns and Money: Lessons for Cryonics from the Military and Pharmaceutical Industrial Complexes in Technology Development and Distribution Catherine.

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Presentation on theme: "Lawyers, Guns and Money: Lessons for Cryonics from the Military and Pharmaceutical Industrial Complexes in Technology Development and Distribution Catherine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lawyers, Guns and Money: Lessons for Cryonics from the Military and Pharmaceutical Industrial Complexes in Technology Development and Distribution Catherine Baldwin Terasem Movement’s 4th Annual Workshop July 20, 2008 Catherine Baldwin Terasem Movement’s 4th Annual Workshop July 20, 2008

2 What Was the Question? What geoethical management, if any, is appropriate for the nanotechnology necessary for cryonic revival and/or downloaded cyberconsciousness?

3 Technology Management is a Continuum  Continuum of research, development and distribution  Many points of influence  Managing/influencing research creates significant impact along continuum

4 What Drives the Continuum?  “Differential technological development” (Bostrom)  Current modality = military and economic value driven  Self-perpetuating

5 Where is the technology going to come from?  Federal gov’t provides one third of all U.S. R&D investment  Private sector provides remaining two thirds--this portion has been increasing

6 Characteristics of the Investment in R&D Private Sector  Development focus  Fixed dollar amounts  Low-Moderate Risk  Short-term 3-5yrs  Need ROI/exit  Cyclical Public Sector  Basic and Applied  High dollar projects  High Risk  Long-term >10yrs  Interdisciplinary  Non-cyclical Public Sector  Basic and Applied  High dollar projects  High Risk  Long-term >10yrs  Interdisciplinary  Non-cyclical

7 Nanotechnology R&D Today Public Sector  National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) ~$6B for 2008  DOD allocation ~$2B  Many consortiums of academic, national and private labs  Focus on Basic and Applied science (weapons, materials, energy, imaging, “nanomedicine”) Public Sector  National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) ~$6B for 2008  DOD allocation ~$2B  Many consortiums of academic, national and private labs  Focus on Basic and Applied science (weapons, materials, energy, imaging, “nanomedicine”)

8 Nanotechnology R&D Today Private Sector  ~$4B (PCAST NNI Report)  Many startups/spin-offs DOD/DOE/NIH  Focus on development (semi- conductors, drug form/delivery,diagnostics, materials)

9 Affecting the Continuum  Legislation/appropriations  Public/scientific interest  Economic/military value  Participate/compete for funds  Scientific/Academic Fellowships/scholarships  Private research grants/funding/endowments  Partnerships and collaborations

10 Affecting the Continuum Geoethical management of nanotechnology for cryonic revival begins with the research happening today, by influencing, capturing and participating in the funding of that research.

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