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MIT4LS 2016 Acceleration Program for LIFE SCIENCE 2 days to accelerate your business in the Life Science sector 25th-26th October 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "MIT4LS 2016 Acceleration Program for LIFE SCIENCE 2 days to accelerate your business in the Life Science sector 25th-26th October 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 STARTUPONSTAGE @ MIT4LS 2016 Acceleration Program for LIFE SCIENCE 2 days to accelerate your business in the Life Science sector 25th-26th October 2016 Rome – Italy

2 StartUpOnStage MEET IN ITALY 4 LIFE SCIENCE and STARTUP EUROPE present StartUpOnStage the dedicated bootcamp for Life Science startups Rome, October 25-26 2016 If you are a startup working in -Biotech, -Medical devices, -Pharmaceutical, -Nutraceutical, -ICT for health and well-being StartUpOnStage is the place to accelerate your business. During the two days, you will attend workshops with experts, meet specific investors and companies coming from everywhere in Europe. If you want to optimize your business model, have access to new markets/clients/ partners and try to raise the right investment, register and submit your application. APPLY NOW, by 4 th of July

3 The Program

4 Tuesday October 25th 2016 14,30 H 16,00H Workshop Work on your Go to Market strategy What unmet customer or market need have you identified? Who is your target customer or beneficiary? How big and growing is your market? 16,00 H 17,30H WorkshopYour sales strategyStrength & weaknesses of different selling strategies 17,30H 19,00H Individual meetings with mentors Discuss with mentors Each mentors will spend some time with you in order to share their experience and provide you with advices 20,00H Meet the mentors' dinner Have a dinner with your mentors The program

5 Wednesday October 26th 2016 9,00 H 12,00 H Workshop Pitch preparation Prepare to pitch in front of investors : pitch you product / strategy / team & the money you are looking for 12,00 H 13,00 H Individual meetings with mentors Discuss with mentors Prepare with your mentor the financial strategy to present to the investors 13,00H 14,00H Networking Session Networking Lunch 14,00H 16,30H Meet the clients B2B meeting with potential clients or partners Boost your business by meeting potential new clients Register here ( and select your meetings 14,00H 17,30H Pitch Session Pitch in front of Investors Get a chance to raise money and pitch your project in front of European investors 19,30H Networking Session Networking Aperitif The program

6 Furthermore October 27, 2016 Boost your business by meeting potential new clients Register and schedule your appointments here

7 Deadline Apply @ By July 4th Describing your startup (max 1500 words) following the framework: 1.The problem 2.The state of the art 3.The Solution 4.Competitors mapping 5.Business Model 6.Stage of development 7.The Team 8.Reasons for your participation More

8 Calendar Application phase Selection process Bootcamp deadline 4th July 2016 5th–30th July 2016 25th to 27th October 2016

9 Agile Startup Working Group

10 Agile Organizers In cooperation with

11 2015 Facts & Figures Participants 300 participating organizations (companies, researchers, investors) Bilateral meetings ~1400 face to face meetings Other figures More than 54000 profiles views 25 Countries involved 57 Enterprise Europe Network 13 Main organzers Meet in Italy for Life Sciences Meet in Italy for Life Sciences Meet the European Life Science Industry

12 Location Salone delle Fontane Via Ciro il Grande, 10-12, 00144 Roma


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