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#APMP2016 Lost on the Asteroid Team Dynamics Game © 2007, 2016 La Puerta Productions Gerald Jones Mike Parkinson Colleen Jolly.

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Presentation on theme: "#APMP2016 Lost on the Asteroid Team Dynamics Game © 2007, 2016 La Puerta Productions Gerald Jones Mike Parkinson Colleen Jolly."— Presentation transcript:

1 #APMP2016 Lost on the Asteroid Team Dynamics Game © 2007, 2016 La Puerta Productions Gerald Jones Mike Parkinson Colleen Jolly

2 #APMP2016 What can you expect? Simulated survival game Life or death for your team No sole survivors Self-scoring

3 #APMP2016 Your individual score is confidential You will decide what it means Your personal benefit will be proportional to your level of effort How should you play?

4 #APMP2016 Here’s the situation… Your spaceship has just crashed on asteroid APMP 888, which rotates almost not at all. It has 1/20 Earth gravity and no atmosphere You were scheduled to rendezvous with a mother ship 100km away on the lighted side, but the rough landing has ruined your ship and destroyed all the equipment on board except for 15 items. You are also on the lighted side, but the mother ship is nowhere in sight Your crew’s survival depends on reaching the mother ship, so you must choose the most critical items available for the 100km trip. You will do this first by yourself, then as a team, in two separate rankings You will have a limited amount of time to come to a team decision, and you may not be able to take everything. Ranking determines which items you will take and which you will discard first if necessary

5 #APMP2016 The envelope please… 12 Your Team Number

6 #APMP2016 Has anyone ever played … ? Lost at Sea Lost on the Moon Lost in the Water Closet

7 #APMP2016 Has anyone ever played … ? Lost at Sea Lost on the Moon Lost in the Water Closet If you’ve played before, write the code99 on the outside of your envelope

8 #APMP2016 Which items do you need most? Box of matches Food concentrate 30 meters Nylon rope Parachute silk Solar-powered portable heating unit Two.45-caliber pistols One case of concentrated soymilk Two 200kg tanks of oxygen Star map (centered on your current location) Self-inflating life raft Magnetic compass 10 liters of water Signal flares First aid kit and injection needles Solar-powered FM transmitter- receiver

9 #APMP2016

10 Individual Rankings Don't confer with anyone else during this step 15 = Useless 1 = Essential Your life depends on it! Remove your score sheet from the envelope and begin You don’t have much time

11 #APMP2016 Which items do you need most? Box of matches Food concentrate 30 meters Nylon rope Parachute silk Solar-powered portable heating unit Two.45-caliber pistols One case of concentrated soymilk Two 200kg tanks of oxygen Star map (centered on your current location) Self-inflating life raft Magnetic compass 10 liters of water Signal flares First aid kit and injection needles Solar-powered FM transmitter- receiver

12 #APMP2016 Pens Down! Step 1: Your Ranking

13 #APMP2016 Join Your Team Now

14 #APMP2016 Team Decision Move now to join the team number on your envelope Expert 99 players form teams of 5-6 Don't change your individual rankings during team discussion Your team will live or die as a group. There will be no individual outcomes Confer now with your team. Record agreed rankings on your score sheets You have even less time now!

15 #APMP2016

16 Which items do you need most? Box of matches Food concentrate 30 meters Nylon rope Parachute silk Solar-powered portable heating unit Two.45-caliber pistols One case of concentrated soymilk Two 200kg tanks of oxygen Star map (centered on your current location) Self-inflating life raft Magnetic compass 10 liters of water Signal flares First aid kit and injection needles Solar-powered FM transmitter- receiver

17 #APMP2016 Pens Down! Step 2: Your Team’s Ranking

18 #APMP2016

19 1 Two 200kg tanks of oxygen Breathing is fundamental If you didn’t all get this one, the APMP Astronautics recruiting and training program needs review

20 #APMP2016 2 10 liters of water Your suit is equipped with a fluid intake so you can drink (necessary assumption) Replace fluid loss. Even though your suit has a cooling system, the Sun’s heating effect is 350 o C on the lighted side, and you will sweat (It’s okay to pee in your suit)

21 #APMP2016 3 Star map You need to figure out where you are in relation to where you know the mother ship was supposed to be (Astral Navigation 101 was in your APMP Astronautics training)

22 #APMP2016 4 Food concentrate Your suit is equipped with an intake for food (you had to assume this) You don’t know how long the journey will take, nor how long your air will last. A journey of 100km will go faster in the low gravity of the asteroid, but you will probably get hungry or lose energy before you’re done if you don’t eat

23 #APMP2016 5 Solar-powered FM transmitter-receiver You can signal when you get the mother ship in sight. However FM is line-of-sight, so it’s best to save the batteries and not try now. Not really a trick, but needing technical knowledge that some of your team members may have

24 #APMP2016 6 30 meters Nylon rope Scale cliffs (oh, didn’t we mention those?) Tie / tow injured (Just don’t pull too hard or they will fly past and pull you with!)

25 #APMP2016 7 First aid kit and injection needles Basic preparedness These needles don’t puncture. They fit a special connector in your space suits (first trick question)

26 #APMP2016 8 Parachute silk Shields you from hot sun on the lighted side of the asteroid Helps you keep cool and reduce fluid loss

27 #APMP2016 9 Self-inflating life raft CO 2 bottle can be used for self-propulsion (second trick question) But it might be tricky to both aim and tow team members at the same time!

28 #APMP2016 10 Signal flares Signal when either mother ship or rescue party is sighted (Not a trick. Some might assume flares won’t burn in vacuum, but they do)

29 #APMP2016 11 Two.45-caliber pistols Another means of self-propulsion (third trick question) Even more challenging to use than the CO 2 bottle, of course, and risky to have in case of team disagreements

30 #APMP2016 12 One case of concentrated soymilk A nutritious but bulky duplication of food concentrate Think about it: You won’t be hungry after your air runs out!

31 #APMP2016 13 Solar-powered heating unit Useless, unless you wander over to the dark side You need heat only on the dark side (where there’s no Sun to power) Another trick!

32 #APMP2016 14 Magnetic compass Totally useless The asteroid has virtually no magnetic field! Totally tricky (This useful fact was in APMP course Astral Navigation 102)

33 #APMP2016 15 Box of matches Useless in the vacuum of space Not a trick question if you passed 7 th grade science Any scores ranking this item above 6 will result in termination of all APMP Astronautics management-level personnel

34 #APMP2016 Draw a Blank? If you left any rankings blank (Individual or Team Rankings), mark each one as: 6

35 #APMP2016

36 Rank items 1 - 15 (1 = top priority) for survival Step 3 Expert's Ranking Box of matches15 Food concentrate4 30 meters of Nylon rope6 Parachute silk8 Solar-powered portable heating unit13 Two.45-caliber pistols11 One case of concentrated soymilk12 Two 200kg tanks of oxygen1 Star map (centered on your current location)3 Self-inflating life raft9 Magnetic compass14 10 liters of water2 Signal flares10 First aid kit and injection needles7 Solar-powered FM transmitter-receiver5

37 #APMP2016 Two Scores Sum of [Your Rankings (Step 1) minus Expert’s Rankings] (Step 3) = Your Total (Step 4) Sum of [Team’s Rankings (Step 2) minus Expert’s Rankings] (Step 3) = Team Total (Step 5)

38 #APMP2016

39 Survival Score?

40 #APMP2016 So Is Your Team… On the mother ship, knocking back shots and checking your e-mail? A pathetic collection of freeze-dried corpses in the APMP Lessons Learned Museum?

41 #APMP2016 Possible Outcomes Same or Worse: Team Died You: Team

42 #APMP2016 Possible Outcomes Better Than Team: Team Died Same or Worse: Team Died You: Team

43 #APMP2016 Possible Outcomes Better Than Team: Team Died Same or Worse: Team Died Same or Worse: Team Lived You: Team

44 #APMP2016 Possible Outcomes Better Than Team: Team Died Better Than Team: Team Lived Same or Worse: Team Died Same or Worse: Team Lived You: Team

45 #APMP2016 What is there for me to learn? Worse (high) / We died. I underestimated some of my teammates. I should have talked less and listened to them more Better (low) / We died. I underestimated the value of my own opinions. I should have asserted myself more, even if it made me or someone else uncomfortable My team lived. Enough said! (Perfection is not required)

46 #APMP2016 Expert 99 Players Who was “Agent 99?” Maxwell Smart’s savvy partner Did you play Smart? Was this a competition? Could all the teams have lived? When it’s life and death, do you think it would be okay to cheat (ignore the rules)?

47 #APMP2016 Discussion Question How do you think Steve Jobs would have played this game?

48 #APMP2016 How do you now evaluate…? We lost that bid They should have listened to me I should have spoken up I should have asserted more leadership The competition was strong

49 #APMP2016 How do you now evaluate…? We lost that bid The team let me down We’ll try harder next time I should have listened more I should have recognized our experts

50 #APMP2016 How do you now evaluate…? We won that bid! Let’s find out what we’re doing right We understand collaboration Our leaders lead and listen We acknowledge our experts We must retain these team members!

51 #APMP2016 Congratulations!

52 #APMP2016 Lost on the Asteroid Team Dynamics Game © 2007, 2016 La Puerta Productions Gerald Jones Mike Parkinson Colleen Jolly

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