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Mindful Medics A programme designed to improve health and wellbeing of healthcare professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindful Medics A programme designed to improve health and wellbeing of healthcare professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindful Medics A programme designed to improve health and wellbeing of healthcare professionals.

2 The current climate: All Sectors 2014/15: Stress accounted for 1 : -35% of all work related ill health cases -43% of all working days lost due to ill health (9.9 million days)

3 The Current Climate: NHS Prevelance rate of work related stress within the category of all professions per 100,000 people employed averaged over the period 2011/12, 2013/14 and 2014/15 (HSE Labour Force Survey) ( 1 )

4 The Current Climate: NHS - 39.50% suffering work-related stress in last 12 months (NHS Staff surveys 2014)

5 Impact on patient care Staff ill-health and related absence is linked to an increased risk of unsafe care, worse experiences of care for patients and poorer outcomes (Boorman, 2009)

6 Oh the Irony… “There’s an inherent irony or paradox that here is a sector that’s charged with promoting the health and wellbeing of the population but is damaging the health and wellbeing of staff in the process,” Michael West (Head of Thought Leadership, The King’s Fund)

7 My story to Mindful Medics


9 Work places offering mindfulness Google Transport For London GSK KPMG Pricewater House Coopers

10 The benefits of mindfulness practice

11 Neuroplasticity “It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life…” Dr Britta Holzel, researcher, Harvard Medical School

12 Mindful Medics

13 References 1) Work related stress anxiety and depression statistics in Great Britain 2015. Health and Safety Executive. ex.htm ex.htm 2) eblog/archive/2015/03/24/dramatic-rise-in-stress- related-sickness-absence-among-nhs-staff.aspx 2) eblog/archive/2015/03/24/dramatic-rise-in-stress- related-sickness-absence-among-nhs-staff.aspx

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