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Penning out a your design Mrs Ras. Open a new file make sure it’s a landscape orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Penning out a your design Mrs Ras. Open a new file make sure it’s a landscape orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penning out a your design Mrs Ras

2 Open a new file make sure it’s a landscape orientation

3 File>place your sketch

4 Scale the size with the selection tool

5 Add a new layer lock the sketch layer

6 Choose the pen tool and take the fill off and give the stroke a color

7 Pen out a shape of your shoe

8 Select the tracing and add a fill color

9 Add new layer toggle off the previous traced area

10 Add fill when the shape is traced out

11 Continue creating new layers for each “traced” penned out shape of your shoe until all filled

12 Begin adding details like stiches, grommets etc. Use shape tools and different brushstrokes

13 Pick one shape on your shoe copy paste

14 Select the one on the bottom and apply a gradient style > texture

15 Select the copied layer

16 In appearance window change the opacity

17 While the second layer is selected choose the gradient mesh

18 Lock every other layer but the one with the mask on it

19 Use lasso tool and select a group of anchor points that you think could have a highlight

20 While selected assign a color to that portion

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