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SF-182 Survey Results (March 2016). Q1: Which of the following data elements on the SF-182 help you prioritize future training investments?

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Presentation on theme: "SF-182 Survey Results (March 2016). Q1: Which of the following data elements on the SF-182 help you prioritize future training investments?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SF-182 Survey Results (March 2016)

2 Q1: Which of the following data elements on the SF-182 help you prioritize future training investments?

3 Q2: What other data points do you need captured on the SF-182 to assist you in making training investment decisions? Answered: 34 Skipped: 28 Responses: Training Justification Competency/Skill Training mandatory vs non-mandatory Training required because of a PIP Training required because of the union SES required training New Manager required training Billing instructions (bankcard or invoice) Business Justification for training request Have Objective/Justification be qualitative response Program Funds or Training Funds will be used Number of time employee has participated in training event Document number/Purchase Order Number (C4)Billing information (C6) Training Credit type code: updated to include – PDUs, CLPs and CPEs Remove training type code Remove all PII fields Training required/essential When training objective/skills obtained will be applied Appropriateness of training to the position Is the training within the regulatory guidelines Cost rate in $ per training day or $ per training hour Box indicating that applicant considered other no or low cost ways of getting the same training Box for employee to state why they need this particular training Does Training program complete any certification requirements How the training aligns with the agency-specific mission and the impact of not funding the training Notification of membership discount or early registration discounts Few empty fields so agency could customize to meet their needs Total cumulative spend for each individual per FY Accounting line code Do not need this captured on a paper form; develop as an LMS module so agencies can run data and analysis. The form should be used for its intended purpose of approving/certifying training; not complicated more with other data points. Work with the CLO’s Impact Working Group Training falls into 3 categories – 1. For my current job. 2 For a promotion. 3. Developing leadership skills We are small enough that we don’t use the SF 182 to make decisions- the form follows the decision Not sure this data drives our training investment. It tells us about what external training agencies are using. Combine this with training provided internally to get a complete picture. May be prioritizing training and making investment decisions on completely different data, such as a strategic plan or a strategic sourcing agreement.

4 Q3: Please identify the name of your agency. Agency Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Homeland Security Department of Justice Department of the Interior Department of Transportation Environmental Protection Agency General Services Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Management and Budget Office of Personnel Management Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

5 Q4: What is your role in your agency?

6 Next Steps Impact Working Group Review the SF-182 survey results. Determine SF-182 elements that measure impact and make recommendations as needed. Final comments and recommendations to improve the SF-182 due to OPM/Marianne Ndekey by June 10, 2016. OPM Point of Contact: Marianne Ndekey, 202-606-1812

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