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Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota June 30 th, 2011 2:00 - 3:00 Eastern.

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota June 30 th, 2011 2:00 - 3:00 Eastern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota June 30 th, 2011 2:00 - 3:00 Eastern

2 2 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Webinar Platform: Participant View Attendee List Chat Room Presentation Slide Area Status Options Full Screen

3 3 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Submitting Questions  To submit a question, type the question in the text field and click the arrow button.  Please enter the name to whom the question is directed.  To send questions only to the presenters, select Presenter from the drop-down menu before clicking the arrow button.  Questions will be answered at appropriate times during the presentation. Arrow Button Text Field Gary, where can I find today's PPT? Drop-Down Menu

4 4 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Submitting Questions  To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text field and click the arrow button.  Please enter the name to whom the question is directed.  Your name, the text “Submitted Question,” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission.  Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Gary, where can I find today’s PPT? Text Field Arrow Button

5 5 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.

6 6 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota How to Participate in Polls

7 7 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

8 8 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Presenters

9 9 Welcome Christine D. K. Ollis Chief, Division of Adult Services U.S. Department of Labor

10 10 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Building Career Pathway Systems

11 11 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Who’s in the audience today?

12 12 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Initiative Background - Partners U.S. Department of Labor, ETA U.S. Department of Education, OVAE U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, ACF Jobs for the Future

13 13 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Definition of Career Pathways

14 14 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Six Key Elements Framework Career Pathways: Six Key Elements

15 15 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Six Key Element Goals

16 16 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Maryland Dan McDermott Executive Director Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board Trudy E. Chara Division of Workforce Development & Adult Learning Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation

17 17 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Maryland’s Accomplishments – Local Level (Upper Shore Maryland)  Recognition of the importance of Labor Outcomes by Adult Education and English for Speakers of Other Languages programs  Labor Shed Study of the Upper Shore focused the team on healthcare and justified healthcare as the Career Pathways sector  Labor Shed validation brought new partners into Career Pathways- Eastern Shore Area Health Education Center  Visits to Career Pathways implementation states provided a model for a Pilot Project  Pilot Project will identify the opportunities and challenges for Career Pathways implementation in our region

18 18 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Maryland’s Key Accomplishments - State Level  State’s approach was to empower, rather than mandate  Facilitated integrate career development into ABE/GED/ESL course offerings  DLLR to adopt Minnesota’s methodology in implementation of Maryland’s Career Pathways approach  Next step is statewide Career Pathways Institute

19 19 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Virginia Elizabeth Creamer Assistant Vice Chancellor for Career Pathways and Workforce Programs Virginia Community College System

20 20 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Virginia – Key Accomplishments  Launched four regionally based career pathways system projects in advanced manufacturing, allied health, and energy. 5th regional project to launch July 2011.  Followed US DOL six step process for developing career pathways in regional projects. Provided state and regional professional development in the US DOL model.  Developed plan for launching state's 9th Middle College bridge program for low-skilled, low wage adults.  Initiated adult career coach program at four regional sites and hired state level Middle College and Adult Career Coach leader.  Braided federal and state funds to sustain and expand regional career pathways, Middle Colleges and Career Coaches.

21 21 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Minnesota Anne Marie Leland State Program Administrator Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED)


23 23 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Minnesota – Key Accomplishments  State and local understanding and respect  Expanding the vision for FastTRAC  Consensus around sustainability  Compelling metrics and key data elements  Multiple process steps (to do list)  Adult Career Pathway checklist  Public/private investment

24 24 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Question and Answer Period

25 25 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Maryland (State level) – Lessons Learned  Two teams approach worked: –Travel Team empowered locals to design local model is key to successful local implementation –Home Team build broad support at policy level first  Labor Shed Analysis is important AND can be done well in-house  Discussion with other states helped shorten planning time, identify potential barriers, and explore alternative approaches to statewide implementation

26 26 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Upper Shore Maryland – Lessons Learned  Common Language must be developed between labor and education  A Labor Shed study is a must  “Bridge” program is the key component of a pathway vs. an entry level job  There are unintended consequences that must be explored- Example: Pell funding  Visiting implementation states was valuable  Career Pathways is expensive

27 27 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Virginia – Lessons Learned  Work from a state level plan for career pathways.  Establish state and regional structure for leadership and administration.  Provide professional development in career pathways to regional leaders and practitioners and also to state level champions and stakeholders.  Engage national partners in the work.  Braid funds to achieve key goals.

28 28 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Minnesota – Lessons Learned  Need…  Well-defined Adult Career Pathway measures  Improved data tracking and sharing capability  Compelling messages by using outcome info  Increased and improved communications to multiple stakeholders  Increased employer involvement

29 29 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Toolset Introduction Chandra Larsen Project Manager Career Pathways TAT Initiative Social Policy Research Associates

30 30 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Career Pathways Tools and Resources

31 31 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Community of Practice

32 32 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! You have the option to submit content for review by uploading the resource or providing a link to the resource.

33 33 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Access to Webinar Resources WEBINAR RESOURCES: Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event.

34 34 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota Stay Informed, Get Connected!

35 35 Lessons from the Field on Building Career Pathways: Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota For more information about the Workforce Investment System:  Visit  Call 1-877-US2-JOBS

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