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30 points 14 points 13 points 12 points 11 points 10 points 9 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points Ask Ask.

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3 30 points 14 points 13 points 12 points 11 points 10 points 9 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points Ask Ask Taylor Ask The Class Eliminate 2 Answers

4 20 points 14 points 13 points 12 points 11 points 20 points 14 points 13 points 12 points 11 points *10 points* 9 points 8 points 7 points 6 points *5 points* 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point10 points 9 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Ask Taylor Ask The Class Eliminate 2 Answers

5  Which is a literate adult in Europe LEAST likely to have?  (A) good health care  (B) a high-paying j ob  (C) modern technology  (D) uneducated children 1 POINT The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

6  What type of government did Czar Nicholas II have in Russia?  (A) autocratic  (B) democracy  ( C) olicharchy  (D) republic 2 POINTS The Correct Answer is: A Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

7  What is the main reason people exchange currency?  (A) to have foreign currency  (B) to use American dollar to trade  (C) to make more money by trading currency  (D) to buy and sell goods and services with other countries 3 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

8  Which situation might keep an embargo against a country from being successful?  (A) the country does not need to trade with other countries  (B) people in the country suffer because trading has stopped  (C) the country is able to find other trading partners not in the embargo  (D) people in the country don’t care whether their country trades 4 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

9 I.Hitler was named chancellor of Germany II.Germany invaded Poland III.Germans were unhappy because of high unemployment and poverty IV.France and Great Britain declared war on Germany  (A) I, II, IV, III  (B) II, IV, III, I  (C) III, I, II, IV  (D) IV, III, I, II 5 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

10 What was a cause of the Russian Revolution?  (A) the czar was executed  (B) there were food shortages in Russia  (C) the Germans showed signs of surrender  (D) soldiers did not know how to use their weapons 6 POINTS The Correct Answer is: B Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

11 What action did the United Nations take as a result of the Holocaust?  (A) it divided Palestine and Germany  (B) it defeated Hitler and freed the Jews  (C) it helped the Jews find jobs and shelter  (D) it created a Jewish state and made genocide a crime 7 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

12  What marked the end of the Cold War?  (A) the rule of Gorbachev  (B) the creation of Russia  (C) the break-up of the Soviet Union  (D) the destruction of the Berlin Wall 8 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

13   (A) Mount Everest  (B) Ural Mountains  (C) Appalachian Mountains  (D) Pyrenees Mountains 9 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask Taylor Ask Class Eliminate 2 5 What physical feature does “5” represent on the map?

14 Which country is located at “2” on the map?  (A) Italy  (B) Poland  ( C) Russia  (D) France 10 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask Taylor Ask Class Eliminate 2 7 5 1 4 3 6 2

15 Which number on the map marks h the country of Poland?  (A) 3  (B) 5  (C) 6  (D) 8 10 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2 7 2 5 3 1 4 6

16 Number “5” is north of Italy, what countis it country is it?  ( A) Germany  (B) Russia  (C) Spain  (D) Ukraine 11 POINTS The Correct Answer is: A Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2 5

17 Which is an example of an entrepreneur?  (A) a manager of a hospital  (B) a person who runs a government-owned coal mine  (C) a roofer who works for a business owned by an individual  (D) a person who uses her money and time to start a business selling cell phones 12 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

18 Why did Prince Henry the Navigator want to send ships south to Africa?  (A) he hoped to learn more about marine life  (B) he wanted to prove the world was not flat  (C) he felt his father, the king, would be proud  (D) he wanted a route around Africa to the Asian markets 13 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask MartinAsk ClassEliminate 2

19 What is monotheism?  (A) belief in spiritual power of European kings  (B) belief in one supreme being/god  (C) belief in many gods  (D) belief in Dreamtime 14 POINTS The Correct Answer is: B Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

20 What type of people were the first British colonist in Australia?  (A) captains  (B) conquistadors  (C) prisoners  (D) sailors 15 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

21 How did nationalism play a part in Europe's competition to colonize Africa and Asia?  (A) European missionaries were trying to spread their religion  ( B) Europeans felt a need to “civilize” other parts of the world  ( C) smaller countries wanted more land to accommodate growing populations  (D) having colonies made countries feel more important and successful than other countries 16 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

22 Which country’s unification led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?  (A) Yugoslavia  (B) United Kingdom  (C) Russia  (D) Germany 17 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

23 What was the largest country created from the Soviet Union?  ( A) Germany  (B) Poland  (C)Russia  (D) Soviet Union 18 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

24 What reference book would be BEST to locate a map of Europe?  (A) almanac  (B) atlas  (C) dictionary  (D) thesaurus 19 POINTS The Correct Answer is: B Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

25 What is the LEAST likely to be found in Europe today?  (A) capitalism  (B) traditional economy  (C) command economy  (D) market economy 20 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

26 What was the Columbian Exchange?  (A) sending food and people from the Old World to the New World  (B) sending animals and plants from the Old World to the New World  (C) the moving of animals, plants, people, and diseases from Central America and South America to North America  (D) the moving of animals. people, plants, and diseases from the Old World to the New World and from the New World to the Old World 21 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

27 Because most economies have characteristics of command and market, we say they are?  (A) traditional  (B) mixed  (C) market  (D) command 22 POINTS The Correct Answer is: B Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

28 What almost caused a nuclear attack between the United States and the Soviet Union?  (A) President Kennedy did not like the leader of the leader of the Soviet Union  (B) The Soviet Union wanted to show the Cubans that they were strong friends  (C) Castro allowed the Soviet Union to build a nuclear missile launch complex in Cuba  (D) The United States wanted the sugar cane crop that the Soviet Union was buying from Cuba 23 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

29 What is an advantage of a savings account over a checking account?  (A) Savings accounts pay a higher rate of interest  (B) Savings accounts can be used to guarantee loans  (C) Savings accounts provide more protection for your money  (D) Savings accounts are easier to get 24 POINTS The Correct Answer is: A Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

30 Which country was the leader of NATO?  (A) Germany  (B) Soviet Union  (C) United Kingdom  (D) United States 25 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

31 Which of the following is usually TRUE about a country’s literacy rate and its standard of living?  (A) a low literacy rate goes with a low standard of living  (B) a low literacy rate goes along with a high standard of living  (C) increasing the standard of living means decreasing the literacy rate  (D) decreasing the standard of living means increasing the literacy rate 26 POINTS The Correct Answer is: A Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

32 The United Kingdom is to Parliament as Germany is to ?  (A) Chancellor  (B) President  (C) Bundestag  (D) Representative 27 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

33 With its long northern coastline, what makes shipping in Russia so difficult?  (A ) the northern ports are blocked by ice much of the year  (B) manufactured goods and people prefer travel by train  (C) the Volga River is used only for hydroelectric power, not for shipping  (D ) Cruise ships bringing tourists to St. Petersburg take up to much of the harbor 28 POINTS The Correct Answer is: A Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

34 What is the British Commonwealth of Nations?  (A) former colonies of the British empire  (B) present day colonies of the British empire  (C) Countries that worship the British monarch  (D) countries that want to the British monarch to abidicate 29 POINTS The Correct Answer is: A Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

35 Which pairing of sacred text and religion is correct?  (A) Christianity - Talmud  (B) Judaism - Torah  (C) Muslim – Old Testament  (D) Roman Catholic - Koran 29 POINTS The Correct Answer is: B Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

36 Which were two terms used to describe the dividing line between eastern and western, communist and noncommunist areas?  (A) NATO and Warsaw  (B) Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain  (C) Allied Powers and Axis Powers  (D) Nazi Party and Free Germany 29 POINTS The Correct Answer is: B Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2

37  (A) They describe the governments of European countries  (B) They tell how the countries of Europe choose their leaders  (C) They explain how the EU countries must set up their parliaments  (D) They are ways the governments of Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom are alike. 29 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask TaylorAsk ClassEliminate 2 The Law making bodies divided into two houses All have some part of lawmaking body elected by the people Each divides the jobs of head of state and head of government (chief executive).

38 What feature is near the “10” on the map?  (A) Pyrenees Mountains  (B) Rhine River  ( C) Scandinavian Peninsula  (D) Ural Mountains 30 POINTS The Correct Answer is: C Final Answer? Ask Taylor Ask Class Eliminate 2 10

39 What feature is near the “8” on the map?  (A) English Channel  (B) Mediterranean Sea  ( C) Iberian Peninsula  (D) The Alps Mountains 30 POINTS The Correct Answer is: B Final Answer? Ask Taylor Ask Class Eliminate 2 8

40 What marks the Alps Mountains?  (A) 1  (B) 3  ( C) 5  (D) 6 30 POINTS The Correct Answer is: D Final Answer? Ask Taylor Ask Class Eliminate 2 7 5 1 4 3 6 2

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