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Step Up Walking Zones Rewarding you for walking as part of your school journey.

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Presentation on theme: "Step Up Walking Zones Rewarding you for walking as part of your school journey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step Up Walking Zones Rewarding you for walking as part of your school journey

2 What is a Step Up Walking Zone? It’s a way of encouraging you to walk regularly as part of your school journey Do the final fifteen minutes on foot! If you live close to school, great! –Walk all the way If you live further away, no problem! –“Ride and Stride” (get off the bus a couple of stops early) –“Park and Stride” (get dropped off 15 minutes walk away)

3 Step Up Walking Zone Around your school is a 15 minute walking zone marked with key stations (lampposts with a plastic card attached to them)

4 How can you earn a reward? You are given a collector card It will reveal a code word when it is held behind the plastic card (key) at a key station – write this code word down! Collect all ten words to earn a reward Don’t lose it! Time for a demo…

5 Lamppost Key Card GabriellaTroy Two friends. Each has a different collector card

6 Time Passes…. (the lamppost does its lighting up thing, and the key is changed)

7 Lamppost The key is swapped for key number 2 You must always put the code word in the row with the same number as the key

8 Collect all ten words Once you have a completed collector card, hand it in at school Your card will be checked and verified, then you will receive your reward All the collector cards are different – so your friends can’t cheat by copying your card! Have fun!

9 For more information: Step Up can provide you with everything you will need to run your own Step Up Walking Zone Visit: Call: 020 7377 4900 E-mail:

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