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AquaSmile Jam. Team Members Humair Daisy Märt Sven.

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Presentation on theme: "AquaSmile Jam. Team Members Humair Daisy Märt Sven."— Presentation transcript:

1 AquaSmile Jam

2 Team Members Humair Daisy Märt Sven

3 Persona  Needs and Purpose Having fun with Family/Friends Cleaning Water Bodies Feeling good about it.  Worries and Problems Nets and Garbage seen in the water bodies by Persona (River, lakes, channels and seas)

4  Motivations Doing something good for community and environment.  Surprising Story One person is not allowed to go to the water by the doctor but she does anyway.

5  Emotional Way Trash in the water Dead fishes Pollutions

6 Business Model  Key Partners Government: –Environmental Inspectorate; –Environmental Investment Centre The Estonian Association of Fishery (Boats, Fishnets owners) NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) –Looduse Omnibuss –Teeme Ära Travel Agencies  Key Activities Searching Marking Collecting Recycling

7  Key Resources Boats with Crew  Value Propositions Peace of mind by working for nature, environment and human being.

8  Customer Relationships Media  Channels Facebook Mass Media

9  Customers Segments Grown ups Estonia  Cost Structure Environmental Investment Centre  AquaSmile Jam  Boat owner  Revenue Streams Organizing Events

10 Activities on the boat: Max 12 people; Sailing with professional fishing boats; Enjoying time with friends and family; Maybe some live music; Warm soup i.e.; Some before or after activities on the land; Fishing and barbequing the Fish; Mainly having fun while doing good for the environment!

11 Thank You! AquaSmile Jam team is looking forward to Jam!

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