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June 2013 TAIEX Workshop 52273 on Harmonization and Mutual Recognition of Health Professionals' in Qualifications.

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Presentation on theme: "June 2013 TAIEX Workshop 52273 on Harmonization and Mutual Recognition of Health Professionals' in Qualifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 2013 TAIEX Workshop 52273 on Harmonization and Mutual Recognition of Health Professionals' in Qualifications

2 Agenda Context The needs for the professionals The existing works Meeting with WHO The potential and first actions of EurHeCA

3 HPRO Card with a harmonized European face Phase 1 2007 Phase 3 2010… Phase 2 2008-2009 Presentation to EP Oct. 2007 HPRO Card studies Governance HCP identity federation framework Pilot epSOS, STORK… Medical demography Phase 4 Pilots and implementation Access management to applications (ex. Electronic Health Record, e-prescription) Phase 0 2006 Work on professional qualifications Directive 2005/36/CE Competent authorities Existing H Pro systems Possible architectures Interoperability issues Future situation Past situation Present Historical context Health Professionals’ Competent Authorities

4 A regulatory environment: the EU Directive 2005/36 which establishes the equivalence of some qualifications in Europe Including in health : Doctors, Pharmacists, Dentists, Nurses, Midwives Definition of "competent authority" 893 competent authorities in Europe : Registration and verification of diplomas and/or Registration of sanctions Context

5 Different procedures of registration, Different documents to provide, Different repositories, Different statutes of professionals recorded in these repositories, For example : active or not, sanctioned or not... Context

6 The needs for the professionals To facilitate the recognition of the identity and the professional qualifications from abroad : To simplify the administrative processes for the installation and service provision, To secure the patient, To access applications and online services which need : authentication (proof of the identity and professional qualifications) or an electronic signature (proof of the commitment of responsibility), To improve the knowledge on health professionals’ flows and demography.

7 The needs for the professionals

8 The existing works The European Association of competent authorities of the 5 Professions: Agreement of 21 countries during the plenary meeting in Athens (Oct. 2009), Statutes written by a working group (BE, FR, IE, IT, LU, RO), First Meeting and General Assembly (Sept 21, 2011). Creation of the Association (June 1, 2012) National and European projects which need a solution to recognize and provide access to health professionals other EU countries, epSOS, STORK, Calliope… Work at a national scale : E.g. in France : “RPPS”, répertoire partagé des professionnels de santé (health professionals’ sharing repository) Joint work between WHO, OECD and Eurostat to develop a common semantic language for the collection of information on medical demographics.

9 Before 2010: different sources of information, different points of views and different figures WHO: Ministries of health OECD Eurostat Since 2010: same collection of data based on: ISCO International Standard Classification of Occupations ISIC International Standard Classification of Industry ISCED International Standard Classification of Education Common definitions Data are still heterogeneous but it generates the good questions and allows a better communication with the Member States to improve this data collection Meeting with WHO (April 2010, 2011 and May 2012)

10 Graduated as health professionals Exercising in healthcare In contact with patients (care) Meeting with WHO (April 2010, 2011 and May 2012) WHO’s focus on:

11 EurHeCA European Health professionals’ Competent Authorities  a non ‐ profit organization of international utility.  Its purpose is:  « to improve patient safety and well being by developing e ‐ Health technologies, their applications and the corresponding tools (authentication, signature etc… ), and interoperability of systems and databases, to coordinate the work in Europe concerning healthcare professionals benefiting from the principle of automatic recognition, to encourage continuous training for healthcare professionals and to implement a platform in order to exchange all useful information between competent authorities representing health professions. »

12 EurHeCA European Health professionals’ Competent Authorities  Some constituent elements:  Ordinary Members: Health professionals’ Competent Authorities 5 professions regulated by the Directive 2005/36  Observer Members: Other professions : in health, or regulated by the Directive 2005/36 Non UE Countries International or European associations… Membership fees: 0 euros  Low profile budget (no office, no employee…)

13 EurHeCA European Health professionals’ Competent Authorities Founding Members: Ministère de la Santé (BE), Ordre national des pharmaciens (BE), Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Union (BG), Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Enfermería (ES), Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmaceuticos España (ES), Conseil national de l’Ordre des pharmaciens (FR), Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (IE), Malta Pharmacy Council (MT), Naczelna Izba Aptekarska (PL), Ordem dos Farmaceuticos (PT), Colegiul Medicilor din România (RO). Observer Members: EFN (European Federation of Nurses Associations), PGEU (Pharmaceutical group of the European union), CEPLIS (European Council of the Liberal Professions).

14 EurHeCA Potential actions of the association Health professional’s databases interchange, Competent Authorities’ register, Participation to the revision of the Directive 2005/36, Participation to the EC European professional card group, Relationships between the association and other organisations (e.g. EC, EHTEL, WHO…), Participation to European projects (e.g. epSOS…) Preparation of calls for proposals and their response, …

15 EurHeCA First actions An inventory - destined for the European Commission - of existing identification/authentication tools for health professionals (chip cards, eID cards, plastic or paper documents). Participation to the consultation on the revision of Directive 2005/36, in the form of a position paper on: Partial access, Language controls and Professional cards. A white book on Health professionals’ repositories

16 Update of the health professionals’ identification tools

17 Health professionals' databases interchange The objective Patient, employers, professionals, competent authorities … are confident in the way the EU is managing the personal (medical) and the professional data Trust space Patients Professionals Employers Softwares Competent Authorities Qualifications Access rights Demography Confidentiality Ethics Continuous education

18 Health professionals' databases interchange The white book Table of contents 1.Objectives 2.Existing situation Legal context Current projects 3.New orientations 4.The issues 5.Studied business cases 6.Proposed roadmap

19 Next steps We are opened to exchange with any interested country Your organisation can candidate for membership to EurHeCA as ordinary or observer member

20 Thank you for your attention

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