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Biml Recipes: Automatically Create T-SQL Scripts for Common Tasks

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1 Biml Recipes: Automatically Create T-SQL Scripts for Common Tasks
Scott Currie @scottcurrie @bimlscript

2 Samples We Will Cover Generation of T-SQL merge statements that removes all the drudgery of manually mapping columns - including complex SCD column handling. Stale data detection that uses Biml to create queries that display ranges for all date/time columns in each table of a target database - perfect for retiring tables from WorkDB and other ad hoc environments. Sample data creation that automatically produces test data based on DDL schema information from your data model. And much more Assumption Testing (with bonus pivot tables) Incremental schema change detection

3 But First A Brief Biml Refresher
What is Biml? Biml Syntax Biml API Linq Biml Utility Methods

4 What is Biml?

5 XML Syntax Biml is XML based, declarative Root element
Uses elements, attributes to describe BI solution Root element Root element contains collections of root objects Connections, Tables, Dimensions, Facts, Cubes, Packages, etc. Individual objects are defined in these collections

6 BimlScript Coding <# Code Block #>
<#+ Module Level Code Block #> <#= Inline Code Block #> Calls the .NET ToString() method on whatever expression is in the block Can’t be a statement, void, or null Directive #>

7 Language Biml is a homoiconic language Fully Documented
Every language element corresponds directly to an object in the Biml API Model Objects can be programmatically accessed or modified through the Biml API Always In Sync: Changes through the API automatically update Biml code and vice versa Fully Documented Biml API Documentation Every page in the Biml Language Documentation has a link to the corresponding Biml API Type, e.g.

8 Typing Conventions All types that correspond to language elements are of the format Ast----Node Namespaces Varigence.Languages.Biml.* Special Nodes AstRootNode AstNamedNode AstNode

9 Language Integrated Query
Allows flexible querying and transformation of sets in .NET languages Two ways to use LINQ SQL-like syntax from m in MyCollection where m.Name == “Test Combine extensions and lambda expressions MyCollection.Where(m=>m.Name == “Test”) If you are proficient in LINQ, you already have 80-90% of the .NET programming skills you will need to master BimlScript

10 SQL-like Syntax var tableNames = from t in RootNode.Tables where t.Schema != null && t.Schema.Name == “dbo” select t.Name foreach (var tableName in tableNames) { …. }

11 Extensions and Lambda Expressions
foreach (var tableName in RootNode.Tables .Where(t => t.Schema != null && t.Schema.Name == “dbo”) .Select(t => t.Name)) { …. }

12 LINQ Resources LINQ Portal 101 LINQ Samples LINQPad LINQ Cheat Sheets
101 LINQ Samples LINQPad LINQ Cheat Sheets

13 Examples of Utility Methods
Concatenate a collection RootNode.Tables.Collapse(table => table.Name, “|") Get Biml representation of a node or collection Table.GetBiml() RootNode.Tables.GetBiml() Schema Qualified Name Table.SchemaQualifiedName Get a list of columns Table.GetColumnList(column => column.IsUsedInKey, “sales”, “[“, “]”); Get DDL for table creation Table.GetTableSql() Table.GetDropAndCreateDdl()

14 Let’s Get To The Recipes
I’m hungry for code! Let’s Get To The Recipes

15 Stale Data Detection: Scenario
Your org is retiring a few old data marts and replacing them with a unified data mart. Documented requirements are being implemented. BUT, there is a WorkDB that analysts have been using against the old data marts for the past 10 years. Some of those tables are unused. Others are undocumented components of business critical “shadow applications.” The WorkDB is not configured to track any login information whatsoever. How do you eliminate unused tables so you can document what remains?

16 Stale Data Detection: A Partial Solution
Inspect the schema of all tables. Identify all columns with a datetime type for each table. Write a query for each table that finds the latest datetime value stored in any of its datetime columns. Put the results into a spreadsheet. Find those that contain “stale” data. Publish that list to stakeholders with a deadline – after which the tables are dropped*. * In reality, you would probably move those tables to a locked down schema so that they could be restored, if something important breaks.

17 Stale Data Detection: Implementation Options
Lots of manual effort Data Profiling Tools Heavy duty dynamic SQL Biml <# foreach (var table in RootNode.OleDbConnections["Source"].GenerateTableNodes()) { #> <# var dateColumns = table.Columns.Where(item => item.DataType == DbType.DateTime || item.DataType == DbType.DateTime2).Select(item => "SELECT MAX(" + item.QualifiedName + ") AS Foo FROM " + table.SchemaQualifiedName); #> <# var query = "SELECT MAX(Foo) As MaxData FROM (" + string.Join(" UNION ALL ", dateColumns) + ") AS a"; #> <#=table.Name#>,<#if (dateColumns.Any()) { #><#=ExternalDataAccess.GetDataTable(RootNode.OleDbConnections["Source"].ConnectionString, query).Rows[0][0]#><# } else { #>NULL<# } #> <# } #>

18 Demo Stale Data Detection

19 Merge Statements: Scenario
You have to write a bunch of merge statements to move data transient to persisted staging process tables to target tables etc. You are tired of typing the same column names over and over again

20 Merge Statements: Solution
Read the schema of the source and target tables (if different) Autogenerate the repetitive parts of the merge statement BONUS: Access a metadata source that identifies SCD Type 2 columns for special handling

21 Merge Statements: Implementation Options
Lots of manual effort Heavy duty dynamic SQL Biml Merge pseudo-Task Merge T-SQL

22 Merge statement auto-generation
Demo Merge statement auto-generation

23 Sample Data Creation: Scenario
You just created an empty schema It would nice to have some data in there for testing purposes

24 Sample Data Creation: Solution
Read the schema of the target database Identify column types (and potentially other metadata) Use that metadata to create randomized values suitable for the column Create an INSERT statement that adds the sample data to the table

25 Sample Data Creation: Implementation Options
Lots of manual effort Data Generator Tool Heavy duty dynamic SQL or .NET programming Biml

26 Demo Sample Data Creation

27 Incremental Deployment: Scenario
You have made changes in the Dev environment that need to be deployed to Test or Prod The changes were not made via scripts that you can easily run Changes came from autogenerated schema Changes were made by a third party Your org doesn’t use a migration process

28 Incremental Deployment: Solution
Read the schema of the source and target environment Identify the differences For each difference, create the matching DDL to change the schema Run the generated DDL

29 Incremental Deployment: Implementation Options
Lots of manual effort Schema compare tool Heavy duty dynamic SQL or .NET coding Biml

30 Incremental Deployment
Demo Incremental Deployment

31 Assumption Testing: Scenario
Your organization has purchased a new “book of business” Its data is stored in a different finance system than you use You have migrated the data into your existing system Verify that the migration didn’t break anything If there are issues, identify them

32 Assumption Testing: Solution
Create metadata that encodes analyst rules that define correct behavior Run queries representing those rules against the new and old systems – noting that the logic and data mappings may need significant modification Load the results into your favorite data analysis tool (Excel) Find any mismatches and confer with Data Governance

33 Assumption Testing: Implementation Options
Lots of manual effort Data comparison tool Heavy duty dynamic SQL or .NET coding Biml

34 Demo Assumption Testing

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