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Asanetwork Technical Committee formed with12-15 manufacturers and DMS software ensures continuous updating. To have a global coverage network cooperates.

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Presentation on theme: "Asanetwork Technical Committee formed with12-15 manufacturers and DMS software ensures continuous updating. To have a global coverage network cooperates."— Presentation transcript:


2 Asanetwork Technical Committee formed with12-15 manufacturers and DMS software ensures continuous updating. To have a global coverage network cooperates with the American i-SHOP, American organization of manufacturers of equipment for the car of the AAIA. asanetwork is present in Germany, Austria, Holland, Italy, Japan, Slovenia, Greece, Russia and, since early 2011: Spain and Portugal with B2B-automotive S.L as distributor Customers are workshops, workshop networks, PTI, parts dealers... asanetwork asanetwork was created in Germany from the initiative of the manufacturers of equipment, software and Volkswagen to achieve a common communication standard that allows to integrate all systems and equipment used in the workflow of a workshop or PTI..

3 . Partners Actually more than 65 companies are integrated with asanetwork

4 asanetwork is the standard of communication and information exchange between workshop equipment such as aligners, gas analyzers, brake testers, oil management.. and Workshop management software, DMS. Exchanges data, test results, graphs... between the workshop and equipment management system, DMS, being saved. asanetwork is an open standard to all manufacturers of equipment and management systems, DMS, who wish to integrate. In fact there are companies in many countries. The conception of asanetwork as open and flexible system greatly simplifies the integration of new DMS, Workshop Equipment... Works behind the management system, DMS, connecting with the workshop teams. Workshop staff don’t need to learn a new program. Adapted to the Future: interfaces, data formats and data transfer protocols are standardized and based on the Internet, XML. What is asanetwork?

5 The DMS sends data to the devices in the Workshop or PTI Customer data and vehicle specifications are included with the test machine. Data and results are sent to the DMS. All data and results are stored with the vehicle and customer data. History. Data and results can be viewed, printed, sent. Stock Consultation, electronic commerce, technical information..... How does it work? A work order is created in the DMS

6 Gas analizer Diagnosis / Tester Test lines Wheel alignment Brake tester Body repair system Electronic catalog Repair data Repair manuals Tire service AC service Oil management Stock management Parts sales Order processing Vehicle reception Vehicle Data Client Data Work order management Time management What features?

7 Customer Data, example. Work Order Generation in the DMS

8 Vehicle Data, example. Work Order Generation in the DMS

9 Equipment to use. Vehicle Data.

10 Customization, Automation Each DMS or management system, builds the screens to your needs and your own style. Alternative for the DMS, to include lots of information about the vehicle and the customer. With the data supplied from the DMS the workshop equipment is configured, eg: Emission test on diesel vehicle = AWNTXEM050. Emission test on catalyzer vehicle = AWNTXEM040. Adding a new equipment, the DMS can automatically detect it, viewed from that time as a new option. The DMS does not need to do maintenance whenever a Workshop or PTI feature a new equipment.

11 Workshop Equipment Screen In the workshop equipment the vehicles in process are displayed, with their work order number, registration and actual job to be performed.

12 It is possible to enter or modify freely all customer or client data. Workshop Equipment Screen

13 Each DMS decides whether or not to use the data modified or entered by the mechanic from the workshop equipment. asanetwork allows the mechanic to send the results from the computer, with no prior order in DMS. Some computers support it and others dont. The DMS can be programmed as desired. If a workshop or PTI has some equal equipment units, eg: several break testers: The work order will be viewed on all brake testers. As a mechanic selects the work order on a brake tester automatically blocks this possibility in the other brake testers. It prevents duplication of work by mistake and the administrative work to coordinate information is not transferred to the mechanical. Therefore the vehicle is analyzed in the brake tester available at any time, without worrying about manually reassign the work order. Maximum use of resources, organizational flexibility and control. Control and Flexibility

14 The results of the test are saved and the order is closed. Workshop equipment, test results

15 Workshop equipment, closing order The test results are saved and the order it is closed.

16 The order is closed from the equipment. The test data is sent to the DMS so the DMS registers the test completed. Workshop equipment, closing order

17 Vehicle Data. Equipment used. Situation and status of each test. Starting and ending times for each test with the results. Monitoring and results in the DMS

18 The DMS can display the exact location of each work order, eg, a vehicle doing three tests: Oil change, completed, 4.25 liters used. Brakes Test, running, began at 13:10. Wheel alignment, pending. The DMS can store all the test information automatically, so it may seen all the tests performed on a particular vehicle. Monitoring and historical

19 GERMAN Walter Mustermann OA-CC 945 Peugeot 405 GRDT 7M 0123 456 ABCDEFGH12345 XYZ123 54321 Scheinwerfertest Bedienrechner Manufacturer independent. Not platform specific. Based on standard XML. Documented and specifed. DTD and schema available. asanetwork Viewer A viewer is available for Windows based platforms. This viewer creates human readable output from XML results. Used for viewing and printing. Mapping of test results

20 asanetwork Viewer Customizable Logo.

21 In today's world, all computers must be connected, integrated. It is not possible to manage a workshop with a multitude of programs, different formats... Workshops need to manage the information on an homogeneus and cordinated way. There is a need to integrate and standardize information for the workshops, simplify their work and help them become more efficient.. Over 30% the of working time in a workshop is used in non-productive tasks such as walking from one place to another, searching and entering data, correcting mistakes...asanetwork helps manage the workflow and organization of a Workshop. The benefits of a workshop can not be improved by cost savings (price transparency) or sales prices, they can only come from the best workflow management and organization. If a workshop is to survive must reorganize its work flow according to the new vehicle technologies. Taking asanetwork Communication Standard, will provide a great benefit and improved quality of work, being a very profitable investment in the very short term.. Why asanetwork now?

22 Workshop Benefits Significant time savings and improvements in the organization. Vehicle data and customer only entered once in the management system or DMS. Increased productivity. The test is displayed on each computer, without the need of going for papers, copying data, taking notes... or spending less time, fewer documents, fewer mistakes. Repair management, information and results in real time and in all positions of the workshop. Transparent labor monitoring (full, open points...), traceability, quality. Technical reports in electronic format, not papers with one form for each test kit. Consistency, organization, control, modernity. Historical. Data and results automatically stored in the network of the workshop. Most equipments are integrated with asanetwork workshops, updating asanetwork keeps them abreast of the latest technology. Mobile equipment (gas analyzers) are connected by wiffi. Using all the resources of the workshop. Mechanics, clerks, service advisors..., from any device and computer through the internet and / or management system or DMS, access to: data and test results, stock parts, electronic commerce, identification of parts, technical information, tools... assessment, printers, computers... In Germany it is estimated that a workshop saves 10-12 minutes for each test with asanetwork, around 10 euros per test savings on labor. In Germany it is estimated that asanetwork saves 10% in oil..

23 Bosch, Automecanica 2010.

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26 Testimonial Mr. Fernando Hernández, IT Director for Grupo Domingo Alonso: Mr. Ramón Lago, Managing Director of Lidera Soluciones: “In Lidera Soluciones we strive to provide our customers with leading-edge solutions that create efficiency in their processes. For this reason we decided to integrate asanetwork. We understand that asanetwork is a great addition to our management system, Spiga +, and we believe our customers will value highly by the significant time savings and quality improvements that are generated. No doubt this global solution allows us to cover the needs of our international clients.” “At Domingo Alonso we integrated asanetwork due to its great importance in the marketing of our DMS in central European markets and we understand that, for our daily work in our own dealer network, we will generate significant savings of time and money, service quality improvement and control of workflow. We consider it a must have for today in any workshop that aims improving processes staying ahead of the current technology.”

27 asanetwork Manager. Equipment integrated with asanetwork. Management Systems, DMS integrated with asanetwork. An asanetwork Manager USB key for each Workshop or PTI center. Amount of equipment that can be connected with a license, for each center: unlimited. Amount of users that may be conected with one licence, for each center: unlimited. What does a workshop or PTI require to install it?

28 Thanks for your attention Cell: (34) 637 801 777 Phone: (34) 91 277 03 21

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