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Who Kills and why ? History shows that we all kill and for different reasons Mass killing is not a modern matter. Pre-state societies also had “mass” killing.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Kills and why ? History shows that we all kill and for different reasons Mass killing is not a modern matter. Pre-state societies also had “mass” killing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Kills and why ? History shows that we all kill and for different reasons Mass killing is not a modern matter. Pre-state societies also had “mass” killing (food search) Fear of loss of livelihood or threat to species continuation by enemies lead to killing

2 II. Who Kills and why ? Some want to expand or create livelihood options to achieve which they killed Inefficiency or inability to solve problems or resolve conflicts may also lead to mass deaths ( Famine, natural disaster, disease etc. )

3 Killing by Omission and Commission Mass deaths are caused both by Omission and Commission Military killings are death by Commission- e.g. Genocide Mass deaths happen due to neglect or inefficiency – Famines are death by Omission

4 Top Mass death lists : Genocide and Famines Top famines in history Great Chinese Famines (1958 to 1962) – 43 million dead Chinese Famine of (1907) – 25 million dead Chalisa famine (1783) – 11 million dead Soviet Famine of (1932-1933) – 10 million dead Bengal Famine of (1770) – 10 million dead

5 Top Genocide in history The Holocaust (1933-1946) – 6 million Armenian Genocide (1915-1923)- 1.5 m Assyrian Genocide(1915-1923)-.75 m Greek Genocide(1915-1918)-.10 m Rwandan Genocide (1994-1994)-.10 m Top Mass death lists : Genocide and Famines

6 StateSociety Social values and Community behavior Government National-Public Policy State: Government and Society equation

7 Conflict framework of 1971 History Two conflict frameworks : 1757 and 1971 conflicts kill people but also give birth to nations, states and countries : 1757 = British India, 1947 = India, Pakistan. 1971= Bangladesh. Govt. and society both cause mass deaths

8 II. Conflict framework of 1971 History Political: Decaying Pakistan vs Emerging Bangladesh Economic: Pakistan’s established capitalist elite vs East Pakistan’s emerging capitalist elite classes Social: Pakistan’s cultural construction (Religion based) vs Bengali culture (language based-middle class driven) Administrative: Security of Pakistan vs Protection of East Pakistan

9 III. Conflict framework of 1971 History International: i) USA/China vs USSR (Cold war)-Pro USA vs Pro Russian Group ii) China vs India iii) Islamic States vs India Internal: i) Mujibnagar vs Pro-China/Peking (Maoist) ii) Middle class Bengalis vs Upper class Pakistanis iii) Lower class Bengalis vs Upper class Pakistanis iv) Hindus vs Pakistani v) Mujibnagar vs AL leaders (Mujibnagar vs Mujibbahini) vi) Women vs War vii) War vs household Ethnic: i) Bengalis vs Biharis ii) Bengalis vs Adivasis

10 Identity and State Making: History leading to March 1971 India had two Muslim clusters – Eastern cluster included Bengal, Assam etc. Western cluster included Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, Frontier. Two clusters had different nationalist political histories but one common enemy – Indian Hindus and due to different causes. Western cluster (Non-Bengali Indian Muslim) were more elite leadership driven and seeking restroration of Muslim rule. ( Aligarh syndrome)

11 Hyderabad and Kashmir :

12 II. Identity and State Making: History leading to March 1971 Eastern cluster (Bengali- Muslim nationalism) was produced by its peasant experience with the Zamindary system dominated by Bengali Hindus' Non-Bengali Muslim Nationalist history of search for State didn’t include Bengal In 1940 the Lahore Resolution designated two states for the two clusters. This was changed in 1947 to one Pakistan under Non-Bengali western cluster.

13 III. Identity and State Making: History leading to March 1971 In 1947, United Bengal Movement developed, State for Bengalis. Bengal Muslim League and Bengal Congress leadership joint effort. Jinnah and Gandhi both supported United Bengal but Nehru and Congress didn’t UB rejected by National Congress and Bengali Hindus. One Pakistan took birth as UB failed to deliver a state for them in 1947.

14 IV. Identity and State Making: History leading to March 1971 After 1947, Bengali Muslim League leaders formed Awami Muslim League in 1949. Bengali nationalism began with language based agitation which drew erstwhile enemies – Bengali Hindus and Muslims - to one platform against new common enemy, non- Bengali Muslim Pakistan.

15 V. Identity and State Making: History leading to March 1971 Bengali Nationalism is an alliance of convenience led by Bengali Muslims supported by Bengali Hindus. Bengali Muslims helped the birth of Pakistan in 1947 and Bengali Hindu Vote helped the birth of Bangladesh in 1971 both were ignored in the follow up state.

16 Pakistan: The Bengali threat Pakistan movement was based on its threat perception from Hindus. After 1947 it became threat from India which was a Hindu state. Bengali nationalism was inclusive of Hindus so it became a “threat” to Pakistan. 6-pts of the AL ( 1966) was not anti-Indian but anti- Islamabad. Pakistan State was guaranteed by the Pak army. 6 points spoke of power reduction of army and raising of militia in E.Pak and economic equity. 6 points would erode elite power led by the Pak- military. The AL was seen as more Indian than Pakistani.

17 II. Pakistan: The Bengali threat AL had Hindu/Indian support so in effect to Pakistan, the AL with its 6 pts became proxy Indians. Pakistan army was created to protect Pakistan from India and not protect democracy. East Pakistan control of Pakistan would signal the victory of pro-Indian forces. The Pakistan army therefore saw the March attack as justified action to protect Pakistan from proxy Indians.

18 Pakistan: The Enemy matrix AL and its supporters – agents of India Leftists and Intellectuals who were against Pakistan were stooges of India Hindus – Proxy Indians “Bangladesh” thus had become proxy India

19 Bangladesh : The Enemy matrix Pak army and its civil –military supporters Biharis – Proxy Pakistanis Leftists not loyal to the AL so against the liberation war so proxy Pakistanis Each conflict line item created violence at the political, governmental and social level It resolved the conflict framework of 1971 and created a new State Bangladesh and ended finish a decaying one Pakistan. New State created new conflicts

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