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How to Deal with Test Anxiety. What is Test Anxiety? Experiencing distress before, during, and/or after a test to such an extent that it causes poor performance.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Deal with Test Anxiety. What is Test Anxiety? Experiencing distress before, during, and/or after a test to such an extent that it causes poor performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Deal with Test Anxiety

2 What is Test Anxiety? Experiencing distress before, during, and/or after a test to such an extent that it causes poor performance or interferes with learning

3 What are the effects? Physical effects: headaches, nausea, diarrhea, excessive sweating, shortness of breath, rapid heart beat Emotional effects: excessive feelings of fear, disappointment, anger, depression Mental effects: racing thoughts, ‘going blank’, difficulty concentrating, negative self-talk, difficulty organizing one’s thoughts

4 Managing Anxiety Dealing with thoughts Dealing with physical tension Test-taking tips

5 Dealing with Negative Thoughts Yell STOP! Daydream Visualize Success Focus Praise Yourself

6 Dealing with Physical Tension Deep Breathing Body Check Tense and Relax Exercise Aerobically

7 Test-Taking Tips (Dos & Don’ts) Don’t cram for an exam. The amount you learn won’t be worth the extra stress. Don’t think of yourself or the test in a negative sense. Don’t stay up late the night before. You need the sleep. Begin studying a week in advance if possible. Don’t spend time with classmates who generate stress for you on test day. Don’t take those last few moments before the test for last minute cramming. Try to relax and spend that time reading or some other distraction.

8 Test-Taking Tips (Dos & Don’ts) Do remind yourself that the test is only a test. Do focus on integrating details into main ideas. Do reward yourself after the test with food or a movie or some other treat. Do something relaxing the last hour before the test. Do tell yourself that you will do your best on the test, and that will be enough!

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