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Social Change THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN INSTITUTIONS The global “deepening” of world system expansion involves the extension of capitalist culture into the.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Change THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN INSTITUTIONS The global “deepening” of world system expansion involves the extension of capitalist culture into the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Change THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN INSTITUTIONS The global “deepening” of world system expansion involves the extension of capitalist culture into the basic structure/institutions of societies all over the world.

2 Social Change This process is mediated both by the position of nations in the world system (C, SP, P) and by the internal class structure of the individual nations.

3 Social Change A key part of this is the increasing “contradiction” between nonmaterial and material culture. Nonmaterial culture (especially aspirations) is most quickly/heavily influenced by capitalist deepening, while the penetration and availability of material culture (technology, productivity, etc.) often lags far behind or is non-existent. "want but can't have"

4 Social Change Key processes: Commodification – almost everything becomes marketable (property with market value)

5 Social Change Mechanization – use of machines (technology) transforms work and life

6 Social Change Contract model individual freedom = right to free agreements = contract model

7 Social Change Proletarianization – almost all workers become “free” (wage) workers

8 Social Change Polarization – competition (with winners and losers) becomes the universal cultural norm

9 Social Change Key cultural result of these processes: Individualization and Universalization

10 Social Change CHAPTER 7 - INSTITUTIONS OF MODERNITY Sanderson's discussion P. 244--Seven discussions (of five different institutional sectors)

11 Social Change 1 -- Indus Revol usually seen as "great divide" between pre-modern and modern society. Karl Polanyi “The Great Transformation” (to Modernity) Sanderson says earlier capitalist revolution is the real divide -- why? Earlier industrialization, then acceleration in 1700s

12 Social Change What is proto-industrialization? Piecemeal development within Feudalism Why was industrialization really "mechanization within capitalism"? Mechanization/technology drives the acceleration and leads to dominance of capitalists

13 Social Change 2 -- Rise and fall of the Soviet Union Was the Soviet Union a "socialist core" country exploiting its trading partners? No, it mostly helped partners develop (e.g, Cuba)

14 Social Change What two factors led to collapse? Internal – “revolution from above” to open the economy to more development – “over-extended empire” which couldn’t maintain dominance External – economy crippled by military threats from capitalist countries (mainly US). (I will add another piece to this in class – US ramped up arms race in the 1980s – “conservative turn”)

15 Social Change Why does Sanderson say that socialism is not dead? Problems of capitalism are growing worse -- we will talk about the Depression and capitalism later Note – Sanderson was wrong about Cuba, which has survived on its own and now has growing alliances in S America (e.g. Hugo Chavez in Venezuela), plus China, and even Russia again.

16 Social Change 3 -- Stratification and mobility Browse the different analyses of class - nobody seems to agree about what class is! These theories individualize class and ignore class reproduction! I will discuss an alternative view in lectures (Part 3) based on families and class reproduction), and also an alternative view of class “mobility” in the US.

17 Social Change 4 -- Evolution of the modern state What were "absolutism" and the absolute state? “Mediate” interests of landowners and capitalists? Whose interests were promoted by the absolutist states? Early on, landowners – later capitalists

18 Social Change According to Sanderson, why has the modern state expanded so much? Economic benefits to Core, trying to “catch up” for others (WSYS integration) Three stages of evolution of parliamentary democracy? (page 295) Division of powers, universal suffrage, indiv rights

19 Social Change According to Sanderson, who benefits most from democracy and why? (caps or workers) Caps benefit because democracy softens the serious contradictions of capitalism (inequality, etc.). Workers benefit in the long run because they have a way to advance their interests and force reforms. Note; this whole area has grown even more confusing as globalization has expanded – more later. Amer caps abandoning the Amer MC??

20 Social Change 5 -- Mass education Mid-1800's formal education was "irrelevant" – since then huge expansion: compulsory primary educ, universal secondary educ, expanding higher educ. What is the functionalist/meritocratic theory? Related to Modernization Theory – idealistic rhetoric – everybody benefits from expanding education

21 Social Change What is the labor discipline theory? Bowles and Gintis – educ to control the working class What is credential inflation? Inflation of “cultural capital” Education expansion and nation building? Socialization to modern state – “compromise culture”

22 Social Change How does Sanderson explain the expansion of education? Starts as nation building and expands because of credential inflation (I will add to Sanderson's explanation in class – surplus populations & "safety valve")

23 Social Change 6 -- The Scientific Revolution Three phases of the early scientific revolution? 1. Copernicus – heliocentric theory 2. Testing of Copernicus’ theory 3. Institutionalization and expansion of science

24 Social Change How is the growth of "big science" related to WSYS? Core uses science to drive dominance/exploitation Why do less developed countries try to generate big science? Try to keep from falling further behind, and try to keep intellectuals from leaving - "brain drain"

25 Social Change How did Robert Merton explain the rise of science? Religion – Protestantism (Max Weber) How did Toby Huff explain the rise of science? Cultural differences – rationality (Max Weber) What do both of these theories overlook? Economic differences (Marx)

26 Social Change How does Sanderson explain the rise of science? The Core need for science, plus the ability to pay for it – a double advantage for the Core also linked to military dominance

27 Social Change 7 -- Post-industrial society How did Daniel Bell describe post-industrialism? 1. From prod of goods to prod of services 2. From material services to “health, science, educ” 3. Power shift from capitalists/owners to managers. Overall, from predatory capitalism to “responsible” capitalism (Bush’s “compassionate conservatism”?)

28 Social Change How does Sanderson respond to Bell's theory? Krishnan Kumar – Bell wrong on all three points ** go back ** --------------------------------------- Note: I disagree with some of the Sanderson/Kumar points here - I'll talk about this in class. 1900 38 38 24 1970 4 35 61 1929 18 58 24

29 Social Change

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