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Fr. Walid Moussa President. Community Involvement Structure of the Presentation 1.A snapshot of Higher Education in Lebanon 2.Pressing issues in HE requiring.

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Presentation on theme: "Fr. Walid Moussa President. Community Involvement Structure of the Presentation 1.A snapshot of Higher Education in Lebanon 2.Pressing issues in HE requiring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fr. Walid Moussa President

2 Community Involvement Structure of the Presentation 1.A snapshot of Higher Education in Lebanon 2.Pressing issues in HE requiring action 3.NDU’s Initiatives to promote civic values, concepts, and applications supported by community involvement activities and programs 4.Lessons derived from NDU’s experience

3 1. Higher Education In Lebanon The establishment of HE in “Petite Liban” or Mount- Lebanon goes as far back as to 1866: 54 years before the declaration of Greater Lebanon in 1920 77 years before Lebanon’s independence in 1943 Community Involvement a. History :

4 1. Higher Education In Lebanon Community Involvement b. Approach : Establishment of HEIs was shaped by competing ideologies: 1.Colonial period (AUB and SJ) 2.National period (LU and BAU) 3.War-related period (Fragmentation )

5 1. Higher Education In Lebanon Community Involvement c. Current Situation : Liberal economic models resulting in expansion and massification of HEIs Institutional diverse systems (American, French, or Arabic) Low immunity to cope with rapid political divisions in the country

6 2. Pressing Issues in Lebanese Higher Education Community Involvement a. Lack of social mobility: Horizontally, among geographical locations Vertically, among social strata b. Lack of social mix: Student composition of universities and campuses is usually characterized by sectarian homogeneity of the region where they are situated (Demographic fragmentation)

7 2. Pressing Issues in Lebanese Higher Education Community Involvement Limited opportunities for acquiring knowledge and values needed for “living together” Rare practices and activities to turn values into skills and behaviors Deficiency in community involvement fostering social cohesion

8 3.a. Notre Dame University – Louaize Community Involvement MottoGaudium De Veritate (Latin for “The Joy of the Truth”) OwnerMaronite Order of the Holy Virgin Mary EstablishmentAugust 14, 1987 Heritage The Lebanese Synod held in 1736 exhorting Education for All within a Christian Maronite ethos Mission Accents Catholic values, citizenship and scholarship as well as the liberal arts model of higher education

9 3.a. Notre Dame University – Louaize Community Involvement CampusesThree Programs57 Undergraduate, 17 graduate Faculty228 full-time and 435 part-timer (full-time equivalence is 412) Students 7384 (92.5% undergraduate; 7.2% graduate; 0.1% teaching diploma and 0.2% Ed.D) Staff and Workers 395

10 3.a. Notre Dame University – Louaize Community Involvement Income95% from student tuition fees and 5% from grants and donations Expenditure Expenditure is mostly on education by 33% followed by students’ scholarship by 18% Diversity 38% females and 62% males; 5% non-Lebanese Overall Christians (it differs according to campus location) Quality Assurance Accreditation by NEASC

11 3.b. NDU: Mission Driven Institution Community Involvement EducationCatholic ValuesCitizenship Values  Knowledge  Life-long learning  Quality  American liberal arts model  Exercise reason upon knowledge  Cultural and spiritual heritage of the Maronite Order of the Holy Virgin Mary  Belief in God  Moral integrity  Shape a world of truth and love  Diversity  Respect for human dignity and rights  Concern for the common good  Shape a world of justice and freedom

12 3.c. Community Involvement: “Living Together” Community Involvement Establishment of Community Service Office Community service (Open Hearts Project, International Marathon race for charity) Student engagement with NGOs Student engagement with Public Entities (Ministries, Municipalities) Social and civil action (Rehabilitation of shelters and prisons)

13 3.d. Community Involvement: Programs and Scholarly Activities Community Involvement Research Centers: Lebanese Center for Societal Research, Lebanese Emigration Research Center Research and application (Tempus project on Sustainability) New programs on peace and human rights in cooperation with NGOs and the surrounding community of scholars Round-tables on electoral systems, gender quota, and out-of-country voting

14 3.e. Community Involvement: Cultural Enrichment Community Involvement Social and cultural activities (Turath Day or Heritage Day) to revive cultural traditions involving the community (Local and National) Involving students with the international academic community and vice versa through international, regional and local exchange programs (Global)

15 4. Lessons Derived Community Involvement Education and community involvement programs have a leading role in fostering citizenship in Lebanon: National identity Civic participation Human partnership

16 4. Lessons Derived Community Involvement HE has obligations and is responsible for the betterment of society HE through community involvement programs can make a significant difference in Lebanese society Student Clubs and Societies have key role to play HE promotes critical thinking and moral reasoning enabling community members to live and work in a modern changing society

17 Community Involvement What would be the impact if we consider the whole globe our community and socially involve our students in international programs?


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