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Lawson Mid-America User Group Spring 2016 Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Lawson Mid-America User Group Spring 2016 Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lawson Mid-America User Group Spring 2016 Meeting

2 Using Infor Process Automation – an End Users Point of View

3 Converting Current Process flows to Infor Process Automation

4 Do you have existing Process Flows? There is a way to automatically convert current Process Flows to the new Infor Process Flow Automation This process will convert most process flows unless the function is not longer supported or the process has changed (mainly in HR) The command is migrateflows

5 Migrate Flows command To convert your process flows where they default to log errors use migrateflows prod –d C:\SourceDirectory –e –t C:\TargetDirectory –l -d source directory -t destination director -l Log errors To convert your process flow where they email errors use

6 Migrate Flows command To convert your process flow where they email errors use Migrateflows prod –d C:\SourceDirectory –e –t C:\TargetDirectory –n –T –F -d source directory -t destination director -n notify on errors -T To e-mail -F From e-mail

7 Java Scripts Missing Java Scripts (make sure all Java Script functions are included in file that are being utilized by IPA) – MID – LEFT – RIGHT Find Java Script format on internet Load JavaScript into pflow.js file Running on PC will probably be under \IPDesigner\IPDesigner On IPA server will probably be under C:\IPADesigner

8 Java Scripts (Sample)

9 Functions

10 IPA Screen

11 Screen sections – Process Name – can jump to any node used in the process automation – Properties – shows information about the node selected in process name – Center – shows pictorial representation of process, this is where most of the work is completed. Left side has all the different functions available – Right side – when process automation is run, it will show each step and result of the process automation

12 Conventions Node ID – this field is used as the beginning of the variable name in subsequent nodes. This will also appear in the process name section. Node Name – this field is used to identify the node on the screen. This will appear under the node name in the center of the screen and also process name section.

13 Start Function

14 Define Variables – Define type of variable – All variables used must be included Define dates – DME and AGS – DME dates (for data mining) – AGS dates (for making data updates using Lawson screens)

15 Manipulating dates Today – this returns the current system date. Variable type is date. AddDay – this allows you to add or subtract a set number of days from the date used “AddDay(today,-5)” this will return date 5 days previous to today’s day. Variable type is date getDateAGS – this converts a system date or a AddDay to a date format that can be used in an AGS call “getDateAGS(today)”. Variable type is String getDateDME – this converts a system date or a AddDay to a date format that can be used in a DME call “getDateDME(today). Variable type is String

16 Variable set up

17 Variable Usage When using variables within process automation the variable is entered using format. This will be shown throughout the presentation Anywhere you see the light bulb you can press Ctrl+Space to see a list of variables. The list of variables is displayed under the main section of the page

18 Variable Useful Tip

19 Query Function

20 This function is used to query date from the Lawson system or other databases. Use this function to obtain data to either report (via e-mal or other function) or to use in a transaction function. The best way to create the query is to use the query builder. Using add-ins may also help build the query Only Lawson existing links between tables can be used. If the tables are not linked by Lawson then the SQL Query node will need to be used.

21 Query Example PROD=PROD&FILE=POLINE&FIELD=COMPANY;PO-NUMBER;PO-RELEASE;PO-CODE;QUANTITY;REC- QTY;CXL-QTY;RELEASED-FL;PURCHORDER.PO-DATE;PURCHORDER.PO-NUMBER;PURCHORDER.PO- RELEASE;PURCHORDER.PO-CODE;PURCHORDER.COMPANY;ITEM-TYPE&SELECT=PO- CODE=PAYO%26RELEASED-FL=Y%26PURCHORDER.PO-DATE%3E %26CLOSED- FL=N%26ITEM-TYPE%21%3DS&OUT=CSV&DELIM=~ The above query is used to find any PO that has a PO Code of PAYO, with a PO date greater than or equal to the variable Period (period is set to 180 days before the current date), the PO closed flag is set to N, and the item type is not equal to S (service) All fields that need to be used in the AGS calls, e-mail, branches, etc. will need to be included in the field selected. This query is used to identify any Pay only PO’s that have not been received.

22 Query Builder Function



25 Transaction Function

26 This function is used to create a transaction in Lawson. This can include changes, adds, releases, etc. This function works similarly to add-ins update. However process automation has more functionality. You can use add-ins to help create the AGS calls. You can also use the build function to create the appropriate information for the call.

27 AGS Call _PDL=PROD&_TKN=PO30.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_T DS=IGNORE&FC=V&POR-COMPANY= &POR-PO- NUMBER= &POR-PO- RELEASE= &POR-PO- CODE= &_DELIM=%09&_OUT=XML&_EOT=TRUE The above AGS call will create receiver all using the program PO Receipt (PO30) using the variables from the previous DME call. Company, PO Number, PO Release, and PO code.

28 Transaction Builder Function

29 Branch Function

30 Use the branch function to create if statements to change the flow depending on the parameters of the if statement. In the above the first statement will check to see if there is still quantity open on the line, if there is open quantity then it goes to the transaction node, if there is not any quantity open then it goes to the next record of the query. The order of the statements is critical since this is the order that the statement will be run so once it reaches a true statement then it will follow that command. So ensure the steps are in the correct order. Always make sure that the if statement is fulfilled with a true answer otherwise the automation will stop with an error. To ensure this you can use branch name of else with the condition of true.

31 Message Builder Function

32 The message builder allows for the building of an e-mail for the entire process. This will allow a line or multiple lines of data each time this mode is enacted. This will allow only one e-mail to be sent with many records listed in the e-mail as opposed to one e-mail for each record. Build the records by using variable names of the fields that should be included in the e-mail.

33 E-Mail Function

34 Use the e-mail function to send e-mails to specific users using process automation. Be sure to put this process outside the query otherwise an e-mail will be sent for each record of the query. Use the message builder to create a consolidated e-mail Use the variable for the message builder in the body of the e-mail in this case. Also you can include other variables in the e-mail like that will show the receive date in the e-mail

35 E-Mail Function If an attachment needs to be included in the e-mail then the attachment has to reside on the landmark server in the directory d:\lmrk\system\LPS\emailattachments if the process is being run on the server. To get the attachment to the correct directory the FTP node can be used.

36 Data Iteration Function

37 Use the data iteration function to read data from an outside file like a csv file. This functionality is perfect for loading data from an outside system into Lawson if the outside system can provide a flat file. Process Automation has more capabilities than add-ins because it has the ability to have logic include like branches and message builders. The other thing is you can nest data iteration nodes to first read a csv file line (1 st iteration) then use a 2 nd iteration to then put each data element in the row into a separate variable. This is used to take a CSV file from our capital management software and create a PO from that data.

38 Data Iteration Function

39 Data Iteration Using Variables from 2nd

40 Connectors Function

41 The connectors are used to link nodes together. Every node (except for start and stop) has to have at least 2 connectors. One going into the node and one going out of the node. Some nodes can have multiple connectors like a branch statement. This can be seen in the following example

42 Demo

43 Explanation Releases buyer messages with a message type of C and a reason code of 07. Used to release multiple messages from an Add-Ins function for buyer messages on contracts This shows a process where you can combine both add-ins and process automation

44 Special Thanks Many of these Process Automations would not have been created without the help of our IT department including: – Chris Davis – Natalie Heinen – Jerome Sison – Matt Whatley

45 Questions

46 Thank you for attending Contact Information: Karl Danielson E-Mail: Phone: 502-629-7216

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