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Using your time wisely Created by: Jaime Torres, M.Ed., LPC-S.

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Presentation on theme: "Using your time wisely Created by: Jaime Torres, M.Ed., LPC-S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using your time wisely Created by: Jaime Torres, M.Ed., LPC-S

2 Things that take up your time Excuses and the Truth about Time Management Steps to managing your time Procrastination and how to overcome it Tackling things that waste your time Other tips Review Today’s discussion

3 How do you spend your time? Shopping Sleeping Getting ready for class Driving/Riding the bus Going out with friends Talking on the phone Texting Twitter Emails YouTube Napping Going to campus events Keeping in touch with family Volunteering Dating Working Playing video games Helping friends Chatting with friends Reading/Studying Attend social events Babysitting Worrying Look at all the things that compete for your time and attention!

4 Excuses for poor Time Management skills It’s impossible. I’ll never have enough time. Why even try? I work better under pressure. I just wait till the night before to study for a test. Managing my time is boring and takes too much work. Managing my time won’t help because I worry too much about everything anyway. I tried managing my time before. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now.

5 Benefits of good Time Management Skills More productive at work, school and home. Less stress in your life. More balance in your personal and work life. Reach more of your goals. Avoid disasters.

6 Steps to start managing your time better 1.Set some goals 2.Make a schedule. 3.Revisit and revise your plan.

7 Step 1: Setting Goals Make sure your goals are SMART S pecific M easureable A chievable R ealistic T ime-bound

8 Step 1: Setting Goals After setting your goals, set your priorities. Which of my goals is most important? In what order do things need to be done? Make a schedule for the week to track your progress. Allow time for unexpected roadblocks.

9 Step 2: Make a schedule Check your class syllabus. READ IT! Block all class time, labs, and time for tutoring/studying. Block other obligations like work, family, church, etc… Mark down homework days. Block time for fun/downtime. Ask yourself: What do I expect to accomplish? What will I have to do to reach these goals? What tasks are more important than others? When will I do each task/activity? Did I allow time for unexpected things like traffic? What will be my reward for doing something right?

10 Make a schedule Halloween party!!! Biology Exam 1 !!! Research Paper due. 9 am meeting Study time in library. 11- 1 pm Study time in library. 11- 1 pm Study time in library. 11- 1 pm Movie night Homework Time 7 – 8 pm Homework Time 7 – 8 pm Homework Time 7 – 8 pm Biology Exam 2 Go to work early to cover for co- worker

11 Step 3: Revise your plan if needed You have your schedule. Are you sticking to it? How are you ACTUALLY using your time? What did you accomplish? What didn’t get done? What is your energy level like? Are you stressed too much? What actions or activities continue to waste your time? Did you procrastinate? Would better communication have helped you stick to your plan?

12 Overcoming Procrastination Tackle the difficult, boring tasks first. Allow yourself a reward ONLY AFTER completing a task. Plan your day for studying, work, tutoring, etc… Break a difficult task into smaller, easier steps. Ask for help from your teacher or tutor immediately after class. Don’t avoid a difficult task by ignoring it. It is not going away! Don’t overestimate your abilities. Don’t underestimate the amount of time you will need to do a task. Don’t give in to excuses. Ask your friends and family for help: Remind you of important tasks/deadlines Babysitting help No calls/texts during study time.

13 Tackling time wasters Recognize when you are wasting time. Decide what you can realistically do. Learn to say, “NO” when you don’t have time to waste. Learn to avoid distractions like mobile phones, internet websites, games, etc… Remind family and friends that you will be unavailable when studying and will NOT answer the phone or reply to texts. Use technology to help you: Smart phones Flash drives Email

14 Other tips Revisit your values. Ask yourself what is more important. Think about your long-term objectives. Remember: College isn’t forever. Picture yourself graduating and starting your new career. Imagine yourself earning more money after earning your degree. Think of your family and how proud they will be of you. Organize a space in your home for studying. If your home is too messy, study in the library. Ask for help from family members/spouse (daycare, babysitting, carpool, etc…) Take a computer skills and/or typing class if needed. Don’t take online classes if you are not ready for the commitment or don’t have the computer skills required yet. Schedule classes on same campus whenever possible.

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