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Sgiliau Astudio Rheoli Amser Study Skills Time Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Sgiliau Astudio Rheoli Amser Study Skills Time Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sgiliau Astudio Rheoli Amser Study Skills Time Management

2 Rheoli AmserTime Management Bydd rheoli eich amser yn eich cynorthwyo i wneud y mwyaf o’ch astudiaethau Bydd o gymorth hefyd i fod yn fwy trefnus ac effeithiol Does dim un rheol aur sy’n gweithio i bawb Chi yn unig all benderfynu beth sy’n gweithio orau i chi Managing your time will help you make the most of your studies. It will also help you be more organised and effective. There is no golden rule that works for everyone. Only you can decide what will work best for you.

3 Awgrymiadau i’ch cynorthwyo i reoli’ch amser Tips to Help You Manage Your Time Paratowch: 1)Casglwch galendr y flwyddyn academaidd 2)Casglwch ddyddiadau cau aseiniadau, asesiadau ac arholiadau pob tymor gan eich tiwtoriaid. 3)Prynwch ddyddiadur astudio Prepare yourself: 1)Get a calendar for the college year. 2)Get assignment, assessment and exam deadlines for each term from your tutors. 3)Invest in a study diary.

4 Awgrymiadau i’ch cynorthwyo i reoli’ch amser Tips to Help You Manage Your Time Cynllunio eich astudio: 1)Nodwch POB dyddiad cau yn ystod y tymor/hanner tymor ar eich calendr neu yn eich dyddiadur. 2)Cofnodwch eich gweithgareddau wythnosol yn eich dyddiadur 3)Gwnewch restr o bethau i’w gwneud ar gyfer diwrnod ac ar gyfer wythnos. Plan your study: 1)Take note of ALL your deadlines for the term/half-term in your diary or on your calendar. 2)Record all your weekly activities in your diary. 3)Make a to-do list for the day and week.

5 Awgrymiadau i’ch cynorthwyo i reoli’ch amser Tips to Help You Manage Your Time Cynllunio eich astudio: 4)Blaenoriaethwch eich llwyth gwaith – penderfynwch beth sydd fwyaf pwysig a pheidiwch â gadael y tasgau mwyaf anodd tan y diwedd. 5)Penderfynwch ar gyfnod o amser ar gyfer pob tasg. Gosodwch dargedau realistig. 6)Rhannwch eich gwaith yn ddarnau llai. 7)Cofiwch gymryd egwyl o dro i dro ac ymestyn eich coesau. Plan your study: 4)Prioritise your workload – decide which is most important and don’t leave the most difficult assignments to last. 5)Decide how long to spend on each task. Give yourself realistic targets. 6)Chunk your work into smaller bits. 7)Take short breaks and stretch your legs.

6 Awgrymiadau i’ch cynorthwyo i reoli’ch amser Tips to Help You Manage Your Time Gwnewch y mwyaf o’ch amser: 1)Penderfynwch sut rydych chi’n treulio eich amser bob dydd – oes rhywbeth gallwch chi ei dynnu allan? 2)Peidiwch â gadael i bethau dynnu eich sylw – gosodwch osodiad tawel ar eich ffôn a pheidiwch ag edrych Facebook. 3)Ystyriwch beth gallwch chi ei wneud ym mhob man – e.e. adolygu eich nodiadau ar y bws. Make the most of your time: 1)Work out how you use your time on a daily basis – is there anything you can eliminate? 2)Avoid distractions – put your phone on silent and don’t look at Facebook. 3)Consider what you can do wherever you are – e.g. review your notes on the bus.

7 Awgrymiadau i’ch cynorthwyo i reoli’ch amser Tips to Help You Manage Your Time Gwnewch y mwyaf o’ch amser: 4) Cychwynnwch ar y drefn ar ddechrau’r flwyddyn a glynu ato. 5) Cofiwch mai diwedd y flwyddyn ydy’r cyfnod prysuraf fel arfer, efallai bydd angen i chi ychwanegu amserlen adolygu at eich amserlen. 6) Rhowch wobr i’ch hun am gwrdd ag amserlenni cau a gorffen eich gwaith ar amser. Make the most of your time: 4)Establish a routine at the start of the year and stick to it. 5)Remember the end of the year is often the busiest time and you may need to add a revision timetable to your schedule. 6)Reward yourself for successfully meeting deadlines and getting your work done on schedule.

8 Pam gwneud?Why bother? Manteision rheoli amser: Beth rydych chi’n ei feddwl ydy manteision rheoli eich amser yn dda? Ceisiwch restru cymaint â phosib ohonynt. Benefits of time management: What do you think are the benefits of managing your time well? Try to list as many as you can.

9 Oherwydd… Because… Manteision rheoli eich amser : 1)Byddwch chi’n fwy trefnus ac mae gwybod beth sydd angen ei wneud a phryd yn eich cymell ymlaen. 2)Gallwch gynllunio, paratoi, gwneud, edrych dros eich gwaith ac adolygu ar yr adegau cywir. 3)Mae llai o siawns i chi ohirio, osgoi gwneud, neu anghofio am dasgau. 4)Byddwch yn ennill amser, dim yn gwastraffu amser. 5)Gall fod o gymorth i leihau pryder. Benefits of time management: 1)You will be more organised and knowing what to do when increases motivation. 2)You can plan, prepare, do, review and revise at the right times. 3)You are less likely to put off, avoid or simply forget tasks. 4)You will gain time and not waste it. 5)It can help reduce anxiety.

10  How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon? Dr Seuss  Know the true value of time; snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Philip Stanhope, 4 th Earl of Chesterfield.

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