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LOGO Student: Michael Rodov Student: Alex Kouslik

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Student: Michael Rodov Student: Alex Kouslik"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Student: Michael Rodov Student: Alex Kouslik E-mail: E-mail: Supervisor: Chen Avin, Ph.D IBIC Internet Based Information Circuits Touch the information

2 Roadmap Intro 1 IBIC Goals 2 IBIC Blocks 3 Examples 4 What its all about…

3 Internet is important! Enter the matrix… D B C A Internet is vital in our lives Mobile access Social networking boom Semantic search Vital in our lives, the further we go the more important it become. Smart phone become a default cell phone, giving us constant connection to Internet and each other. The global village become smaller every year! The search engine will understand human language and response accordingly.

4 Project IBIC - Goals What is it?! Internet Based Information Circuits: a system that manipulates information stream, of any kind, that is drawn from the internet. I The main goal of our project is to design an easy to use, blocks based, platform for building information circuits, based on streams drawn from the internet. Such platform can give the user the ability to: Create and analyze algorithms Analyze statistics of internet information Develop and evaluate internet applications Create an internet based "Digital Art" T I IFORMAT - the uniform format for the information streaming in the circuit.

5 Testing Internet Algorithms Check semantic connections Create Internet “Digital Art” Just a tip… Programming??? Tahles!

6 Different solution Just Drag – Drop - Connect Use IBIC

7 If we want such system it should have… What we need… Ease of use Potential UniversalWebConnection UniversalBlockConnection Simulink gives us a huge variety of blocks that can be connected to our blocks, enhancing the system. No programming skills required Drag & Drop Environment Easy “Text file” configurations All blocks have common data format All data can be represented in same format Yahoo BOSS is our main information provider In general any information provider can be connected to our system.

8 IBIC Blocks - Engine blocks o Receive a query in standard “IBIC query” format o Transforms the query to a web search specific query o Queries the search engine and receive results o Output the results in standard “IBIC information standard”

9 IBIC Blocks - Generator blocks o Receive stream of information of certain format o Changes this information according to some inner formula Examle: filter verbs from picture’s description, randomly choose one o Create a search query of standard IBIC type o Send this query to output <GET Madonna PIC FROM Yahoo> Who is Madonna ? Generator

10 IBIC Blocks - Filter blocks o Receive information in standard “IBIC information” form o Can filter any of known information types, Example: filter pictures by their RGB value, Example: filter words by regex / languge types o Have auxiliary ports Filters / Parameters can be changed “on the fly” by himself or by another blocks o Making it possible to build self learning systems.

11 IBIC Example – Word Cloud o Search Phrase : Israel news o Search engine : Yahoo news

12 IBIC Example – Mosaic blocks Pass only the matching pictures Hash table of words and colors Load initial color dictionarr URL mean color analyzer Image Descriptor Query generator

13 After 28 steps

14 After 36 steps

15 After 21 steps

16 LOGO That’s all folks…

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