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By Miriam Gheraissa.  At the beginning of my freshman year, I saw that many girls wore these colorful powders above and dark liner around their eyes.

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Presentation on theme: "By Miriam Gheraissa.  At the beginning of my freshman year, I saw that many girls wore these colorful powders above and dark liner around their eyes."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Miriam Gheraissa

2  At the beginning of my freshman year, I saw that many girls wore these colorful powders above and dark liner around their eyes. I began to wonder what caused them to wear those types of make-up, in addition to the nail polish many girls wore from a very young age. Most girls did not wear anything but nail polish, but in high school it was a different story. This led me to conduct a study of how often girls wear make-up and why. I theorize that high school girls wear make-up on a daily basis in order to feel good as they enter high school.

3 Population: All high school students Representative sample: 20 CRLS students Control group: Non-makeup users Population, Representative Sample, and Control Group



6 All WeekOnce a WeekWeekendsTwo-Four Days/WeekWeekdays How Often Do High School Girls Wear Make- up?145100 The first graph, “How Often Do Girls Wear Make-up?” indicates that of the total 20 students interviewed, 14 students wear make-up on a daily basis, 5 students wear it once a week, and 1 student wears it on the weekend. The data represented by the graph supports my theory that the majority of students wear make-up everyday.

7 The second graph, “Why Do Girls Wear Make-up?” displays that 13 students wear make-up to feel good, 1 student wears it as an acne-cover-up, 2 students wear it as an expression of art, and 4 chose the category “Other”. The results of this particular sample parameter support my theory as well.

8 Potential Flaws  Less students in Lunch A would to be less diversity; therefore, the results would not represent the entire population.  Most people surveyed were Hispanic/African American, which again does not represent the other ethnicities in U.S. high school students globally.  Only 20 students were surveyed; more people would make the study more accurate  Results from other schools in different areas could possibly jeopardize the data obtained through the survey at CRLS, since different results could

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