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Powered by What Do You Flush? Wednesday, September 02, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Powered by What Do You Flush? Wednesday, September 02, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powered by What Do You Flush? Wednesday, September 02, 2015

2 Powered by Date Created: Thursday, August 06, 2015 681 Total Responses Complete Responses: 665

3 Powered by Q1: During the past 3 months have you seen or heard any advertisements or public service announcements that focus on how to properly dispose of baby wipes, cleaning wipes and makeup wipes? Answered: 679 Skipped: 2

4 Powered by Q1: During the past 3 months have you seen or heard any advertisements or public service announcements that focus on how to properly dispose of baby wipes, cleaning wipes and makeup wipes? Answered: 679 Skipped: 2

5 Powered by Q2: Is it safe to flush toilet paper? Answered: 674 Skipped: 7

6 Powered by Q2: Is it safe to flush toilet paper? Answered: 674 Skipped: 7

7 Powered by Q3: Have you heard any concerns over flushing wipes or paper towels in your community? Answered: 674 Skipped: 7

8 Powered by Q3: Have you heard any concerns over flushing wipes or paper towels in your community? Answered: 674 Skipped: 7

9 Powered by Q4: Do you flush paper towels, baby wipes, cleaning wipes or make-up removal wipes? Answered: 668 Skipped: 13

10 Powered by Q4: Do you flush paper towels, baby wipes, cleaning wipes or make-up removal wipes? Answered: 668 Skipped: 13

11 Powered by Q5: Which of the following can damage sewer pipes & equipment at sewer treatment facilities, which lead to millions of dollars in repairs? Answered: 659 Skipped: 22

12 Powered by Q5: Which of the following can damage sewer pipes & equipment at sewer treatment facilities, which lead to millions of dollars in repairs? Answered: 659 Skipped: 22

13 Powered by Q6: Do you know how to properly dispose of non-flushable items? Answered: 666 Skipped: 15

14 Powered by Q6: Do you know how to properly dispose of non-flushable items? Answered: 666 Skipped: 15

15 Powered by Q7: Have you ever looked on a wipes package for disposal instructions? Answered: 651 Skipped: 30

16 Powered by Q7: Have you ever looked on a wipes package for disposal instructions? Answered: 651 Skipped: 30

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