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EOC Jeopardy Nutrition and Fitness Consumer Health & Health Concerns NumbersVocabularyMiscellaneous $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "EOC Jeopardy Nutrition and Fitness Consumer Health & Health Concerns NumbersVocabularyMiscellaneous $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 EOC Jeopardy Nutrition and Fitness Consumer Health & Health Concerns NumbersVocabularyMiscellaneous $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 What influences our body structure and is out of our control? Genetics Nutrition and Fitness $100

3 The basic elements in food necessary for life and growth are? Nutrients Nutrition and Fitness $200

4 Between a gram of fat and a gram of carbohydrates, which one has the most calories? Also tell me how many calories are in both a gram of carbohydrate and a gram of fat? A gram of fat Carbohydrate = 4 calories Fat = 9 calories Nutrition and Fitness $300

5 What’s on a label that helps a person determine if a serving of that food has a high or low content of basic nutrients? % Daily Values Nutrition and Fitness $400

6 What percent of protein, fat, and carbohydrates should be a part of a persons daily diet? 15-20% Protein, 20-25% Fats, and 55-60% Carbohydrates Nutrition and Fitness $500

7 How do you prevent heat stroke or heat exhaustion? Drink a lot of water before, during, and after being in the sun Consumer Health & Health Services $100

8 Local agency that’s able to provide accurate health information, products, and services Central District Health Department Consumer Health & Health Concerns $200

9 The purpose of the Good Samaritan Law is to protect Rescuers who give care in an emergency from legal problems Consumer Health & Health Concerns $300

10 What’s the most critical component of CPR? Chest Compressions Consumer Health & Health Concerns $400

11 What publication reviews and compares consumer products and services based on reporting and results from its in-house testing laboratory and survey research center. Consumer Reports Consumer Health & Health Concerns $500

12 The number of calories in one gram of Protein? 4 Numbers $100

13 The legal BAC limit for drivers in the United States.08 Numbers $200

14 The number of calories in a healthy snack? 200 or less Numbers $300

15 The number of recommended grams of fiber per 1000 calories 14 Numbers $400

16 What is the correct number of compressions someone administering CPR should give in one minute? 100 Numbers $500

17 A family doctor who handles general medical care is a? Primary Care Physician Vocabulary $100

18 The monthly or yearly fee for insurance? Premium Vocabulary $200

19 Another name for Fat? Lipids Vocabulary $300

20 A class of nutrients that are organic substances needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow for growth? Vocabulary $400 Vitamins

21 A complex carbohydrate made in the body, stored in the muscle & liver, that can be broken down to provide a quick source of glucose? Glycogen Vocabulary $500

22 How many Amino Acids make-up a protein chain? How many are essential to the body? 20 with 9 being essential to our diet Miscellaneous $100

23 Which nutrients provide energy? Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats Miscellaneous $200

24 Which type of Health insurance requires the insured to use most or all in network physicians? HMO Miscellaneous $300

25 LDL’s, Low Density Lipoproteins, are found in foods with ________ ______, which will lead to ______ ______. Trans Fat Heart Disease Miscellaneous $400

26 According to the 5-20 Rule, which nutrients fall under the 5% and which under the 20%? 5% = Trans Fat, Saturated Fat, Sodium, Cholesterol 20% = Carbs, Protein, Vitamins, minerals Miscellaneous $500

27 What are the 4 factors that influence your BMR? (Basal Metabolic Rate) Body Size (BMR increases as weight, height and surface area increases). Body Composition (Fat tissue has lower metabolic activity than muscle tissue). As lean muscle increases so does the metabolic rate. Gender – The BMR averages 5 to 10% lower in women than in men. Age – The older we get we lose lean muscle mass Final Jeopardy

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