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(p. 17) 연습 ) Do you agree or disagree? “Spending money taking a trip during a vacation is better than saving it for the future.” 서론 작성 : People have different.

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Presentation on theme: "(p. 17) 연습 ) Do you agree or disagree? “Spending money taking a trip during a vacation is better than saving it for the future.” 서론 작성 : People have different."— Presentation transcript:

1 (p. 17) 연습 ) Do you agree or disagree? “Spending money taking a trip during a vacation is better than saving it for the future.” 서론 작성 : People have different opinions about the statement that _____________ ___________________________________________________________________. I strongly believe that the statement above is true because of the importance of __________________________________________________________________. 본론 1 작성 : When it comes to the importance of developing human relationships, ____________________________ is (more) sensible. Since the world is becoming colder than before, many people find it hard to build new relationships. Thus, it is crucial to gain good social skills, and therefore, ________ should know that __________________________________ is essential. Surveys have shown that when asked to choose between ___________________ __________________________________, the majority of people responded that the former should have priority. Conversely, the percentage of people who supported the latter was extremely small. The results of the surveys indicate the growing realization that ___________________________ is more advantageous throughout life.

2 (p. 17) 본론 2 작성 : Considering the importance of cultivating an independent spirit, _________________________________ is expected to be effective. The more competitive society is, the tougher it is for many people to become successful. Consequently, it is critical to foster a good spirit of independence, which means that _______________ should be interested in ______________________ ____________________. According to a well-known Korean ___________________, when __________ choose _________________________, they can accomplish the goal of becoming self-reliant in an effective manner. The educationalist also suggests that it will generally take a long time to achieve this beneficial effect if they ____________________________________. 결론 작성 : Taking all of these things into account, we should agree with the idea due to the significance of ___________________________________ _______________________________. There is no doubt in my mind that _________________________ will ____________________ future.

3 (p. 18) 서론 작성 : People have different opinions about the statement that ___________________________________________________________________. I strongly believe that the statement above is untrue because of the importance of _________________________________________________________________. 본론 1 작성 : The primary duty of _______________ is to _____________________ _______________________________. When it comes to comedians, their first duty is not to help poor people but to entertain audience. In the case of the CEOs of companies, their top responsibility is to lead their business well ahead of taking care of their employees’ personal matters. If they pay more attention to their secondary obligations, people will not think that they are doing their jobs successfully. In the same way, what ___________________ should think about first is to ___________________________ as best as they can _______________________. Surveys have shown that when asked to choose between _____________________________________________________, the majority of people responded that the former should have priority. Conversely, the percentage of people who supported the latter was extremely small. The results of the surveys indicate the growing realization that ____________________________________ is more advantageous throughout life.

4 (p. 18) 본론 2 작성 : Due to the influence of the Internet, it is inevitable for ___________ to behave in an aggressive manner. In general, _______________ spend a lot of time surfing the Internet at home alone after school while their parents are working, so they are easily addicted to violent materials in cyberspace without others’ interference. As a result, they think it is acceptable to act aggressively. Studies have revealed that ______________ who are exposed to the Internet over long periods of time are likely to act in an offensive way. On the other hand, ___________ who are not affected by the Internet do not show such tendencies. + _________ __________________________________________________________ ( 그래서, 정부가 Internet access 에 돈 투자 하는 것은 바람직 X) 결론 작성 : Taking all of these things into account, we should disagree with the idea due to the significance of ________________________________________________________. There is no doubt in my mind that __________________________ will _____________________ future.

5 여행하다 : go on a trip, take a trip, travel, go on a vacation, make a journey, 할 일 : 본론 2. 인간관계 공식 암기 (When it comes to ~ essential. According to ~ opt for 반대 쪽 ) study 안 하시는 분들이 스터디 material 원할 경우 “ 홈피 커뮤니티 ” 에서 다운로드 j3924kw ( 비번 ) 혹시 구입한 영단기 writing 교재는 keep 하시거나 혹은 환불 해도 상관없음

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