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AISI October 27, 2009. Essential Questions: What does it mean to be an AISI teacher leader? What does “leading” mean? What is critical thinking?

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Presentation on theme: "AISI October 27, 2009. Essential Questions: What does it mean to be an AISI teacher leader? What does “leading” mean? What is critical thinking?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AISI October 27, 2009

2 Essential Questions: What does it mean to be an AISI teacher leader? What does “leading” mean? What is critical thinking?

3 Today’s Agenda: Knowing ourselves as leaders Welcome & Goals Critical Friends News ‘n Notes + AISI Measures AISI Leadership Lunch 12:00 – 12:45 p.m. 21 st Century Skill: Critical Thinking Wrap Up

4 The High-Low Card Game Round One

5 How to Play Your table group will be your team. You will be dealt 2 cards and will maintain 2 cards throughout the game. Trade cards within your group to reach your highest individual score. Your goal is to have the highest scoring pair of cards in your group. You must trade a card at least once.

6 Scoring All cards are worth their number value Face cards are worth ten points A pair is awarded an extra ten points Two cards of the same suit cancel each other out and equal zero

7 GO

8 Total both individual and small-group scores. STOP

9 Reflection Who scored the highest? What did you notice about your groups interaction? Did anyone take a leadership role during the game?

10 Round Two

11 Round Two: How to Play The rules are basically the same as in round one. This time, trade cards within your small group to reach the highest group score. Each player still must trade a card at least once.

12 GO

13 Total both individual and small-group scores. STOP

14 Changed Interactions? What changed? Why? ?

15 Critical Friends What have you done? What have you learned? What research are you reading or what p.d. are you attending? What did you accomplish in September?

16 News ‘n Notes: News ‘n Notes AISI Measures –AISI wiki –Measures section –Discussion Board

17 AISI Leadership: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities Essential Questions: –In what areas do teacher leaders demonstrate expertise –What are the primary roles and responsibilities of school based teacher leaders? –How will I know if I am successful as a teacher leader?

18 AISI Leadership: roles and responsibilities Critical Friend’s Group: –What are you currently doing as an AISI leader? (roles, responsibilities) –What other roles do you think you might assume?

19 Teacher Leaders Act As: 1.Resource providers 2.Data teacher leaders 3.Curriculum specialists 4.Instructional specialists 5.Mentors 6.Classroom supporters 7.Learning facilitators 8.School leaders 9.Catalysts for change 10.Learners Joellen Killion

20 1. Resource Provider Assists colleagues with resources: –Websites, readings, books, unit plans, etc.

21 2. Data Coach Organizes and coordinates a school’s data collection Facilitates data conversations among staff members Supports teacher in using data to improve instruction

22 3. Curriculum Specialist Helps teachers use the provincial curriculum to plan instruction and assessment –Determining outcomes for reporting –Develop shared assessments

23 4. Instructional Specialists Assists teachers to implement effective teaching strategies: -Differentiation -Remediation and extension -Assist with lesson planning

24 5. Mentor Supports teachers new to the school

25 6. Classroom Supporter Work inside classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas: –Demonstrator –Co-teacher –Observer and Feedback provider –Coach

26 7. Learning Facilitator Coordinates/facilitates learning experiences for school staff -Inter-visitation -Study groups -Training -Lesson study -Case study -Examining student work

27 8. School Leader Facilitates / serves on leadership teams within the school –Shares vision –Represents the school

28 9. Catalyst for Change Models and facilitates continuous improvement Asks challenging questions to “disturb” the system Shapes culture

29 10. Learner Models continuous learning Reflects on practice Leads with attitude and behaviors

30 Compare How does your leadership list compare with Joellen Killion’s? Do your roles correspond with her descriptions? Do you have any additional roles?

31 Teacher Leadership 1.Resource providers 2.Data teacher leaders 3.Curriculum specialists 4.Instructional specialists 5.Mentors See also wiki (Killion’s article) 6. Classroom supporters 7. Learning facilitators 8. School leaders 9. Catalysts for change 10. Learners

32 Table Task: Choose one chocolate Find others with the same chocolate

33 Table Task: Based on your scenario: Respond to guiding questions found on Wiki under Role of the Teacher

34 Digital Citizenship: Images

35 Your Work: Personal Reflection Make a pie chart that indicates how you spend your time in the various roles Use Google Docs as a reference (role of the teacher) Use Excel spreadsheet

36 Teacher Leadership 1.Resource providers 2.Data teacher leaders 3.Curriculum specialists 4.Instructional specialists 5.Mentors See also wiki (Killion’s article) 6. Classroom supporters 7. Learning facilitators 8. School leaders 9. Catalysts for change 10. Learners

37 Discussion Where do you spend most of your time? What challenges do you anticipate? What changes do you anticipate to your role?

38 Wrap up: Discussion board –AISI leadership –Measures –General Questions Critical Friends discussion for December

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