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Easy sharing with AdHoc Pawel Plaszczak & team. GridwiseTech: The expert on large data and scalable systems

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Presentation on theme: "Easy sharing with AdHoc Pawel Plaszczak & team. GridwiseTech: The expert on large data and scalable systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Easy sharing with AdHoc Pawel Plaszczak & team

2 GridwiseTech: The expert on large data and scalable systems

3 Recent projects FEI, leading electron microscopy manufacturer, Netherlands  Enabled remotely sharing resources, instruments and data

4 Total, Aberdeen  Seismic processing of large data sets Recent projects

5 British American Tobacco, UK  savings through advanced distributed technologies Recent projects

6 Western Digital  Production line – modern data processing architecture Recent projects

7 Sharing: the manifesto Let the user decide

8 The movie

9 The demo

10 AdHoc summary No sysadmin needed No IT knowledge needed Sharing takes seconds (recent article Manifesto for Secure Data Sharing on

11 If you think rapid sharing is useful contact me:

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