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The Byzantine Empire Standard 6-2.5: Explain the impact of the Byzantine Empire including the Justinian Code, government, architecture (Hagia Sophia) and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Byzantine Empire Standard 6-2.5: Explain the impact of the Byzantine Empire including the Justinian Code, government, architecture (Hagia Sophia) and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Byzantine Empire Standard 6-2.5: Explain the impact of the Byzantine Empire including the Justinian Code, government, architecture (Hagia Sophia) and the preservation of Greek and Roman works.

2 We know what is happening in the west but what’s happening in the east???? A great empire was flourishing and lasted for nearly 1000 years after the Roman empire. *This empire is known as the Byzantine Empire. Its success is due to the location of the capital, great leaders, and preserving Greek and Roman knowledge.

3 Welcome to Constantinople

4 What in the world is going on?? The Roman Empire hit some hard times let review……… The empire was split and the capital was moved from the west to the east. Then attacks starting coming from outsiders. Next to keep up the army and take care of the poor taxes were raised, then leaders became corrupt, and the people were in trouble. Finally Rome was not strong enough to defend itself and fell to the barbarians. This put Europe in the DARK AGES!!!!

5 Geography The emperor Constantine moved the capitol of the Roman empire to the east. He modeled the city after Rome and named it for himself…… of Constantine…..Constantinople **The city is located on the Bosporus Strait. **It is a natural cross roads that links Europe to Asia. **It is easy for people to get to the Mediterranean sea for trade with Europe or get to the Silk Road for trade with Asia.

6 The location of Constantinople also had many advantages. Lets look at the map on page 8 and see if we can name some advantages. **A natural safe harbor for military and merchant ships was provided. **And a natural defense was provided by the Black and Aegean Seas on three sides.

7 A Crossroad to the World Why is Constantinople considered a crossroad? Because it sat between Europe and Asia many goods went through the city. **Duties, or taxes were charged on every item that went through the city. **This is how the city made most of its money.


9 Strong Army Another reason the city survived is due to the strong army and good leaders that used new technologies. One new technology was Greek Fire, nothing like it had been used before. **Greek fire was a substance that burned anything it touched. The soldiers used siphons, or hoses, to spray ships or approaching armies. Greek Fire even burned on water. **The formula was very secretive and never written down. It was passed down to only a few people. **When the Byzantine empire died the formula died as well.

10 Great Rulers **Clever rulers helped to maintain the empire. These rulers had more power then others. They saw themselves as representatives of God on Earth. Among the greatest of these rulers Justinian.

11 Justinian **Justinian ruled from 527-565 **He was not your typical emperor. He was born into a poor family and married an actress. **His wife was Theodora who helped him be a great leader. **Theodora took an active role in politics, making many laws for women’s rights. Justinian controlled the army and navy, he made laws, the head of the church, and could declare war or peace.

12 **The Justinian Code was his biggest contribution. He examined Rome’s laws and organized them into a legal system called the Justinian Code. **He removed out-of-date and un-Christian laws **Simplified Roman law to give fair treatment to all

13 **Preserving Knowledge Justinian also helped to preserve Greek and Roman knowledge. **If they had not cared for these, the works would have been lost forever. **Thanks to the preservation of such items as books, scientific discoveries, and laws, the people of the empire could improve on them.

14 A split in the church **People in the east and west began to interpret elements of Christianity differently. Eastern priests could get married, but western priests could not. Eastern people studied Greek, not Latin Religious services were performed in Greek in the east and in Latin in the west. **Because of many difference the east broke away from the west and formed the Eastern Orthodox Church. What is a schism?

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