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Tutorial on Nov.12. Remarks for Lab4 assignemnt Euler method vs. Euler-Cromer method Euler methodEuler-Cromer method Sequence of the last two lines are.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial on Nov.12. Remarks for Lab4 assignemnt Euler method vs. Euler-Cromer method Euler methodEuler-Cromer method Sequence of the last two lines are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial on Nov.12

2 Remarks for Lab4 assignemnt

3 Euler method vs. Euler-Cromer method Euler methodEuler-Cromer method Sequence of the last two lines are very important! Euler-Cromer method is better than Euler method ONLY for SHM. In lab4, you are asked to implement Euler method, and marks are deducted if you implement Euler-Cromer method instead

4 Reminder for C programmer Be careful on copy-and-paste!

5 Comparison between simulation and analytical solution for SHM Distance between two particles Equilibrium distance Oscillation amplitude. Important! Angular frequency. Important!

6 Demonstration of chaotic motion

7 Simple example: double pendulum Picture from Wikipedia

8 Numerical simulation of double pendulum It look quite easy to make a numerical simulation… The simulated result looks quite messy. In fact even if we only change the initial position a little bit, the system will be in totally different state.

9 Video on YouTube   There are actually a lot of videos on YouTube or other online resources about chaotic motion…

10 More famous chaotic motion: three-body problem  Well known chaotic system  There are some special stable solutions…   But most likely it is not predictable 

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