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7. Our Solar System Terrestrial & Jovian planets Seven large satellites [moons] Spectroscopic evidence Chemical composition of the planets Asteroids &

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Presentation on theme: "7. Our Solar System Terrestrial & Jovian planets Seven large satellites [moons] Spectroscopic evidence Chemical composition of the planets Asteroids &"— Presentation transcript:

1 7. Our Solar System Terrestrial & Jovian planets Seven large satellites [moons] Spectroscopic evidence Chemical composition of the planets Asteroids & comets

2 The Terrestrial & Jovian Planets Four smallterrestrialplanets“Like Earth” –Relatively close to the Sun Relatively warm –Relatively high density (hydrogen-poor) Materials thatdoform solid surfaces –No ring systems Too warm for ices to exist Four largeJovianplanets“Like Jupiter” –Relatively far from the Sun Relatively cold –Relatively low density (hydrogen-rich) Materials thatdo notform solid surfaces –Ring systems Primarily H 2 O & CO 2 ices

3 Planetary Sizes to Scale

4 Planetary Magnetic Fields Bar Magnetic FieldEarth’s Magnetic Field

5 Planetary Orbits to Scale Highly elliptical, highly inclined orbit

6 The Eight Planetary Orbits

7 The Seven Largest Satellites Moons in the Solar System –Mercury & Venus havenomoons –Earthhasonemoon –Marshastwomoons –Plutohasfivemoons –All Jovian planetshavemanymoons –All Solar System moons are terrestrial objects Solid surfaces Rocks, ices or a mixture of the two Moon sizes –Several dozenplanetary moons are quite small –Sevenplanetary moons are quite large EarthThe MoonNote the capitalization JupiterIo, Europa, Ganymede & Callisto SaturnTitan NeptuneTriton

8 The Giant Moons to Scale

9 Spectroscopic Evidence Basic physical process –Sunlight is reflected by every Solar System object The solar spectrum is very well known –Fraunhofer lines: Absorption lines from the Sun’s atmosphere Surface & atmospheric materials absorb some sunlight –Manyexistingabsorption lines are enhanced –Somenewabsorption lines are introduced Basic methods –Earth & orbital telescopes operate in many ’s VisiblelightReflected sunlight Near-infrared“light”Reflected sunlight Thermal infrared“light”Emitted by Earth

10 Spectroscopy of Jupiter’s Moon Europa Photographicevidence –Surface colors & textures resemble Earth’s ice caps Spectroscopicevidence –Near-infrared sunlight is strongly reflected Same spectral curve as sunlight reflected from water ice

11 Europa’s Spectrum Shows Water Ice Water ice

12 Saturn’s Only Large Moon Titan

13 Spectroscopy of Saturn’s Moon Titan Photographic evidence –Titan hasa dense atmosphere –Titan hasperpetual cloud cover Winds recently detected in Titan’s atmosphere2002 Huygens spacecraft landed on Titan2005 Spectroscopic evidence –Visible sunlight is strongly reflected Distinct absorption lines appear –Methane(CH 4 )is very prominentFromTitan’satmosphere –Hydrogen(H)is very prominentFromSun’satmosphere –Oxygen(O 2 )is very prominentFromEarth’satmosphere Great care must be taken interpreting the evidence –Need to know what causes each set of absorption lines –Orbiting telescopes eliminate spectral lines from the Earth –Orbiting telescopes cannot eliminate spectral lines from the Sun

14 Influences on Titan’s Spectrum

15 Planetary Chemical Composition Terrestrialplanets –Atmospheres MercuryEssentially no atmosphere VenusOverwhelmingly CO 2 with variable H 2 SO 4 Earth~ 78% N 2 + ~ 21% O 2 + ~ 1% Ar MarsOverwhelmingly CO 2 –Surfaces MercuryRemarkably similar to Earth’s Moon Jovianplanets –Atmospheres Jupiter & Saturn –Rich in H & He but with abundant NH 3 (ammonia) clouds Uranus & Neptune –Rich in H & He but with abundant CH 4 (methane) clouds –Surfaces Jovian planets have no solid surfaces

16 Planetary Atmospheres Basic physical processes –OutgasingVolcanic activity produces gases ~1% to 10% the mass of erupting magma is gaseous –Mostly water (H 2 O), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) & sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) –GravityStrong enough to retain gases A function of the mass & diameter of the celestial object –Low -mass molecules are most likely to escapeH 2 –High-mass molecules are least likely to escapeN 2, O 2, CO 2 –TemperatureLow enough to retain gases Temperature is a measure of average molecular speed Molecules statistically have a range of speeds –Low -speed molecules are least likely to escapeN 2, O 2, CO 2 –High-speed molecules are most likely to escapeH 2 Some effects –Mercury is too small & hot to retain an atmosphere –Most moons are too small to retain an atmosphere

17 Mars: A Typical Terrestrial Planet

18 Jupiter: Prototype Jovian Planet

19 Asteroids No clear asteroid  planet distinction –“Minor planets” is a common term –Essentially similar to terrestrial planets & moons Extremelyhydrogen-poor& thereforehigh density Relativelyclose to the Sun& thereforerelatively hot Definitely solid surfaces Asteroid locations –Asteroid beltBetween Mars & Jupiter –Earth-crossing asteroidsBetween Mars & Venus –Moons of Jovian planetsCaptured asteroids?

20 The Asteroid 433 Eros

21 Comets No clear ring particle  comet distinction –“Dirty snowball” model of comets –Quite different from all other Solar System objects A mixture of ices & rock & metal Comet sources –Short-term cometsSource: Kuiper belt Less than 200 years to orbit the Sun –Long-term cometsSource: Oort cloud More than 200 years to orbit the Sun

22 Comet Hyakutake (April 1996)

23 Comet Hale-Bopp (April 1997)

24 Seven Big Trans-Neptunian Objects

25 The Unusual Orbit of Eris

26 Terrestrial & Jovian planets Seven large moons –All are terrestrial objects Spectroscopic evidence –Solar spectrum is very well known –Changes are due to what is observed Earth’s own atmosphere Planetary surfaces & atmospheres Water ice on Europa’s surface Methane in Titan’s atmosphere Chemical composition of the planets –Terrestrial planets Hydrogen-poor & metal-rich –Jovian planets Hydrogen-rich & metal-poor Planetary atmospheres –Outgasing, gravity & temperature Ultimately, gravity is most important Asteroids & comets – Minor Solar System bodies Important Concepts

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