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1 VCCI & Industrial Relation in Vietnam. 2 Introduction on VCCI Founded in 1963 Member: > 10,000 members as enterprises and business associations of all.

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Presentation on theme: "1 VCCI & Industrial Relation in Vietnam. 2 Introduction on VCCI Founded in 1963 Member: > 10,000 members as enterprises and business associations of all."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 VCCI & Industrial Relation in Vietnam

2 2 Introduction on VCCI Founded in 1963 Member: > 10,000 members as enterprises and business associations of all types and sectors Functions:  To represent the Vietnamese business community for the promotion and protection of the lawful, legitimate interests of the business community and employers in Vietnam in domestic and international relations.  To promote the development of business enterprises, entrepreneurs, the cooperation among business entities and to offer assistance in trade and investment, economic and technological co-operation and other business activities of enterprises in Vietnam and abroad.

3 3 BRIEFING INTRODUCTION ON VCCI’S ROLE AS NATIONAL EMPLOYERS’ REPRESENTATIVE ORGANISATION IN VIETNAM  As national employers’ representative organisation in Vietnam  Member of National Labour Relation Council (which includes VCCI, MoLISA, VGCL)  Member of International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and Confederation of Asia – Pacific Employers (CAPE)  Partnership with ILO as employers’ organisation  Bureau for Employers’ Activities (BEA) is expertise department of VCCI, working on industrial relation (IR) and employers’ representation

4 4 ILO CONVENTIONS Vietnam has ratified 17 ILO conventions, among which are: Convention 144 on tripartite consultation Convention 98 (1949) on rights on collective bargaining Convention 122 (1964) on Employment policy

5 5 Bureau for Employers’ Activities (1) Founded in 1993 An expertise department of VCCI, workiong on employers’ representation and proctecting legitimate rights and obligations of employers, promoting sound IR in Vietnam.

6 6 Bureau for Employers’ Activities (2) To represent employers in tripartite machenism on labour and cooperate with VGCL and MOLISA in Vietnam To promote advantageous labour environment for business development, and to raise employers’ voice on their challenges in practicing Labour Code and related legal documents. To support the development of provincial employers’ representatives.

7 7 Bureau for Employers’ Activities(3) To provide services and trainings to members on:  IR  Labour disputes/ strikes resolutions  Salary & wages  Employment  OSH  Social Security  Labour law and labour standards  Working environment management  HRD  Female & child labour  HIV/AIDS at the workplace  Working productivity and CSR  SME development

8 8 Structure of employers’ org. in Vietnam Vietnam employers’ organisation Sectoral employers’ council Provincial employers’ council District employers’ council Foreign business associations in Vietnam

9 9 Provincial employers’ council Business associations in provincial level set up the employers ’ council (EC). Chairman of provincial Business Association will be cum Chairman of the provincial Business Association. Members of EC are business associations and big employers in the province.

10 10 Working on IR Participate in National Labour Relation Committee Consulting to Labour Code Revision and Trade Union Law Consulting to National Assembly Proposal and Direction 22 of the Board of Secreteriat and Decision 1129 of Prime Ministers on IR Participate in the Task Force to solve labour disputes at central and provincial level

11 11 Labour environment in Vietnam  Vietnam has been attractive to FDI in various sectors  Rapid development of private sector  Cheap labour force has not been an advantage to investors. Instead of that, Vietnam should develop a qualified, skilled and good manner workforce  High competition in recruitment among enterprises  Lack of long-term and professional recruitment plan  Enterprises must implement national and international labour standards

12 12 Labour environment in Vietnam Legal documents on labour issues in Vietnam should creat a proper and encouraging environment for enterprise development and meet the reality of labour market. Role and responsibilities of social partners (government, employers’ and employees’ representatives) in supporting and guiding the development of social dialogue, negotiation and collective bargaining agreement in enterprises

13 13 Contact Bureau for Employers’ Activities, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Add: 9 Dao Duy Anh, Hanoi Tel: (84-4) 3 5742022, 3 5742164 Fax: (84-4) 3 5771329 Email:

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