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WP 3 Mapping and Foresight - Foresight - General Assembly, Oslo 13 th /14 th June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 3 Mapping and Foresight - Foresight - General Assembly, Oslo 13 th /14 th June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 3 Mapping and Foresight - Foresight - General Assembly, Oslo 13 th /14 th June 2013

2 - Foresight -

3 Foresight Deliverables Review Foresight Paper Expert Paper ? Current Phase

4 Analysed FLA I NameCountryDate of publication Time- horizon ContentWG Technology and Innovation in Flanders: PrioritiesBelgium2007 The analysis comprises the following issues: ICT and Services in Healthcare, Healthcare - Food - Prevention and Treatment, ICT for Socio-Economic Innovation. 1,2,5 The Ageing Society 2030 – Report by the Steering Group for the Strategic foresight on the ageing society 2030 Denmark20062030The report focusses on topics such as healthy ageing, the age-integrated labour market and cohesion in society. 1,2,3 Technology Foresight on Cognition and RoboticsDenmark2006 The study explores where in Denmark cognitive robotics could be applied: learning and education, service and care (including service for the elderly), hospitals and health. 1,4,5 Ageing report. Overall assessment of the effects of ageing and the adequacy of preparation for demographic changes Finland2009 The main themes are the ageing society and the labour market and social, political and fiscal sustainability. 2,3 BMBF ForesightGermany20092025In the BMBF Foresight process the following future fields with a strong correlation with demographic change issues were identified: Human- Technology Cooperation, Ageing Deciphering, Sustainable Living Spaces. 1,3,5 Les défis des l‘accompagnement du grand âge. Perspectives internationales. France2011 The study compares the care systems in different European countries with a focus on financing, prevention and definitions of the loss of autonomy, care homes and the support for family care persons. 1,5

5 Analysed FLA II NameCountryDate of publication Time- horizon ContentWG Mental Capital and WellbeingUK20082030The project analyses how older people can maintain their mental capital and well-being and answers the question how the under-utilisation of the mental capital of older adults can be addressed. Important chapters of the report in relation to demographic change are: 7. Adults and children: mental ill-health, 8. Adults: learning, 9. Adults: working life and 10. Older adults. 1,3,4 Older people and skills in a changing economyUK2011 The study gives a comprehensive overview on the nature of the older workforce in the UK and their needs in a future labour market. 3,4 Future Strategies for Ageing Management in the Working World of Salzburg Province Austria20112030The study responds to the following questions: 1. What is an age- appropriate working environment? 2. How does work and corresponding requirements change in the future? 3. What hinders the extension of a longer working-life in Austria?. Furthermore, it gives recommendations for societal actors, enterprises and individual employees to create an age- sensitive working world. 3 Special issue on healthcare - Healthy ageing and the future of public healthcare systems EU2009 The study includes a meta-analysis of different Foresight Exercises which deal with prevention and rehabilitation, new concepts for the labour market, the hospital of the future, ageing mechanisms, health risk factors and future social models. 1 Plus Estrategia Española de cienca y tecnología y de innovácion (EECTI)

6 Additional Topics Health & Performance I Personalised nutrition Cell therapy Medical imaging and processing: detection of diseases like cancer in an early phase E-health with emphasis on the electronic medical file Innovative health-care services and products

7 Additional Topics Health & Performance II Ethical aspects of genetic profiling Ethical aspects of healthy ageing (e.g. “medical ageism”, pathologisation of signs of ageing see below) Treatment possibilities which result from the convergence of biotechnology, IT and nanotechnology Role of networks (nursing care in combination with voluntary services) which offer supporting services to assist people in self-monitoring, self-treatment and self-care Functional clothing Biomarkers for measuring individual biological age, cognitive decline and dementia

8 Additional Topics Health & Performance III Potential of physical-activities inducing robots for increasing well-being Robots within the human body to support bodily functions Robots which compensate for the loss of functions Robots for rehabilitation programmes

9 Additional Topics Health & Performance IV Development and use of new treatments to stop cognitive decline in the early stages Development and use of pharmacological and other cognitive enhancers

10 Additional Topics Social Systems & Welfare Research on the development of the population’s value orientation towards older people, health and retirement from a generational perspective Formation of ‘grey lobbyism’ and its impacts on politics and policies (e.g. barriers to welfare state reform)

11 Additional Topics Social Systems & Welfare II Potential of “health mainstreaming” in all policy areas Correlation of old-age limits for pension with life- expectancy Development of effectiveness indicators for public services population’s preferences with regard to priorisation between investments in health, care and education policies (‘major cash transfer incomes’)

12 Additional Topic Work & Productivity I Preventing stereotyping on the company level Development of fully serviceable robots to contribute to maintaining the workability of people with diverse functional limitations Co-operative concepts of “autonomous” machines with people in hybrid human-technical teams

13 Additional Topics Work & Productivity II Research on age-management concepts for small and smallest enterprises with constrained resources Skill shortage: Risks of “Brain-drain” between member states as a result of the industrial structure (countries with big global payers versus SME-based economies)

14 Additional Topics Work & Productivity III Recruitment practices of employers with regard to older workers Workplace communication on careers of older people Individualised, flexible working concepts for older people Work-life-balance for older people

15 Additional Topics Work & Productivity IV impact of formal and/ or flexible retirement age for the workability of older people incentive system for employers to invest in upgrade vocational training

16 Additional Topics Education & Learning Potential of robot technology for experiences, play and learning Development of digital games for learning Concepts to address the gap in basic skills

17 Additional Topics „Housing, environments and mobility” I Robots to help care persons to accomplish repetitive, physically demanding work Robots which help to strengthen the autonomy of older people in managing their daily routines

18 Additional Topics „Housing, environments and mobility” II Ways and methods to flexibilise infrastructures at a technical level should be investigated (energy, transport, water, information and communication) Ways and methods for reconstructing and dismantling new infrastructures should be explored prior to their implementation »Governance« concepts to enable sustainable settlement management

19 Expert Paper Original function of Expert Paper : expert interviews to assess the results of the Foresight Paper Alternative function of Expert Paper: review of the final draft of the SRA.

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