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Ch 9: Prejudice Part 2: March 18, 2015. – Effects of implicit bias – on outgroup perceptions What is outgroup homogeneity? – Effects of implicit bias.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 9: Prejudice Part 2: March 18, 2015. – Effects of implicit bias – on outgroup perceptions What is outgroup homogeneity? – Effects of implicit bias."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 9: Prejudice Part 2: March 18, 2015

2 – Effects of implicit bias – on outgroup perceptions What is outgroup homogeneity? – Effects of implicit bias - on behavior Automatic processing ‘Shoot – don’t shoot’ research: – Holding gun vs. non-gun

3 Sexism Gender stereotypes – – prescriptive vs. descriptive stereotypes – Ambivalent sexism: Hostile sexism – Benevolent sexism -

4 What is hostile sexism related to? – Stereotypes: – Attitudes: – Gender differences in hostile sexism? What is benevolent sexism related to? – Depends on whether women are violating gender stereotypes… – Gender differences in benevolent sexism? – Results for women in sexist cultures -

5 – Links to discrimination – Occupational differences - “sex segregation” Wage gap for comparable jobs:

6 Stereotype Threat Claude Steele’s research – 1) Awareness of stereotype 2) Concern about being evaluated based on stereotype – Similar to self-fulfilling prophecy, except…? – How does stereotype threat reduce performance?

7 Studies focused on academic performance – How is stereotype threat manipulated? What about positive stereotypes? – Results: – Protecting against stereotype threat?

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