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Analyzing Lord of the Flies from a Gender Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing Lord of the Flies from a Gender Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing Lord of the Flies from a Gender Perspective

2 Gender versus Biological Sex Sex refers to the biological or physiological characteristics that define men and women. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.

3 Stereotypes Gender stereotypes present a conventionally simplified and standardized conceptions or images concerning the typical social roles of males and females, both domestically and socially. Basically, gender stereotypes are beliefs held about characteristics, traits and activity-domains that are “deemed” appropriate for men and women.

4 Stereotypes

5 Gender Stereotypes Female Stereotypes are…Male Stereotypes are… -Should be mothers, nurturers- Should be earning an income to support the family

6 Characters in Literature

7 1. a) What qualities are valued on the island and which ones are dismissed or made fun of? b) What may this reveal about society during the time the novel was written? 2. How would the novel have changed, or would it have changed at all, if both genders had been stranded on the island or if it were all girls?

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