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By I.B.Rajeswari E-Commerce Presentation. Questions: What business model could be right to set up a website where popular music tracks can be searched.

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Presentation on theme: "By I.B.Rajeswari E-Commerce Presentation. Questions: What business model could be right to set up a website where popular music tracks can be searched."— Presentation transcript:

1 By I.B.Rajeswari E-Commerce Presentation

2 Questions: What business model could be right to set up a website where popular music tracks can be searched and purchased and legally downloaded. Outlined feature like registration, tracking or subscribing that you need to implement, what could be legal and security issues in it. How do you market this site and drive traffic towards it. Define Value chain. Create a scenario that describe industry value chain for retail book business. Explain software and hardware components required for C2B and B2B. In E-com. What are the different web marketing strategy and elaborate on the market segmentation. Write short note of E-cash and its limitations.

3 Value chain A value chain is a way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes. There are primary and supporting activities. The primary activities are design, produce, promote, market, deliver and support the products or services it sells. The supporting activities are human resource management and purchasing.

4 Value chain diagram

5 Value chain for retail book business Identify customer: activities that helps the firm find new customers and new way to serve existing customers. Design: Activities that take a product from concept to manufacturing. Purchase material and supplies: Activities including vendor selection. Manufacture product or create service: Activities transforms materials to products. Market and sell: Activities that give buyers a way to purchase.

6 Value chain for retail book business Deliver: Activities that store, distribute and ship the final products. Provide after-sale service and support: Activities that promote a continuing relationship with customers.

7 Marketing Strategies Marketing strategies is to advertise their products and services and promote their reputations. There are two different marketing strategies : Product- Based Marketing Strategies Customer-Based Marketing Strategies Product- Based Marketing Strategies: It is based on the product and it gives a detailed picture about the products of the company in the web page. For example, Staples is Product- Based web page.


9 Customer-Based Marketing Strategies:

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