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Essential Skills Wales ICT Level 3. ESW ICT Level 3 - Essentials Builds on lower levels Efficient and independent use of software Final outcomes *level.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Skills Wales ICT Level 3. ESW ICT Level 3 - Essentials Builds on lower levels Efficient and independent use of software Final outcomes *level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Skills Wales ICT Level 3

2 ESW ICT Level 3 - Essentials Builds on lower levels Efficient and independent use of software Final outcomes *level 3 and professional *match the assignment brief *are consistent

3 ESW ICT Level 3 - Tasks Candidates must produce outcomes from two different tasks Outcomes must be significantly different One task must be complex and cover IT3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 Tasks must allow demonstration of level 3 features

4 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.1 You must provide evidence that you can: ICT3.1 Use ICT systems ICT3.1.1 Analyse and accurately describe how you will approach at least one complex activity that involves the use of ICT ICT3.1.2 Use ICT independently to carry out the activity efficiently and effectively. ICT3.1.3 Follow safe, healthy and secure working practices at all times.

5 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.1 Briefs - audience and purpose Complex plans Reliability and copyright Efficient and effective Health, safe and secure

6 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.2 You must provide evidence that you can: ICT3.2 Find, select and exchange information ICT3.2.1 Plan how to find, the ICT-based and non-ICT-based information you require. ICT3.2.2 Search for, evaluate, select and get, from a range of sources, relevant ICT-based and non- ICT-based information. ICT3.2.3 Enter, save, communicate and exchange ICT-based information to suit your purpose.

7 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.2 Search, evaluate and select ICT/non-ICT information Copyright Saving and backing-up Efficient use of e-mail

8 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.3 You must provide evidence that you can: ICT3.3 Develop and present information ICT3.3.1 Organise, develop, format and combine ICT/non-ICT-based information from different sources to suit content and your purpose, in the form of: a)Text b)Tables c)Images d)Numbers e)Records

9 ESW ICT Level 3 - Development Candidates show the before and after of what they are evidencing- text, table, image, number and records One annotated draft to show development

10 ESW ICT Level 3 - Text Efficient use of software such as: automatic table of contents, use of styles, footnotes/endnotes, captions, section breaks, track changes, use of indexing, mail merge, page numbering, indentation, line spacing, and paragraph options

11 ESW ICT Level 3 - Tables Features such as re-sizing columns and rows, adding shading, merge and splitting of cells, inserting borders, vertical and horizontal alignment

12 ESW ICT Level 3 - Images Build upon requirements of level 2 Features such as layering and grouping Image must be appropriate to final outcome Charts and graphs were used are labelled correctly

13 ESW ICT Level 3 - Numbers Lookups, named ranges, if statements, multiple ifs, absolute referencing, goal seek and complex two stage calculations Efficient use of spreadsheet software - conditional formatting, macros or automated routines, setting print areas, freeze panes, linked sheets

14 ESW ICT Level 3 - Records Database or spreadsheets Advanced sorts OR complex queries OR filters Complex criteria usually searching on more than one criterion Mailmerge is not enough on its own

15 ESW ICT Level 3 - Presentations Efficient use of software such as master slides, action settings, buttons, hyperlinks, (internal and external), use of multimedia such as video, sound; links to external documents, purposeful custom animation, for example using animation on the columns of a chart, use of notes pages, customised bullets, macros

16 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.3 You must provide evidence that you can: ICT3.3 Develop and present information (cont) ICT3.3.2 Present your final output efficiently, using a consistent style and formats and layouts that are appropriate to your purpose and audience using ICT and review your work

17 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.3 Final outcomes *match assignment brief *are professional *are consistent *bring all criteria together *are of level 3 standard

18 ESW ICT Level 3 - IT3.3 The Review *views of others *development *presentation *fitness for purpose *audience

19 ESW ICT Level 3 - Support Centres can submit an outline of its activities to WJEC for comment An Assignment brief Expectations of the evidence An outline of the centre’s quality assurance

20 ESW ICT Level 3 Any questions?

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